1916 RISING – Kildare County Council Reaction

Kildare Observer 3/6/1916
The Dublin Rebellion.
         Mr Healy proposed the following resolution: -“That we, the members of the Kildare Co. Council, strongly deprecate the recent deplorable action of a section of our countrymen in resorting to force of arms. At the same time we strongly appeal in what we consider the best interests of this country and the Empire as a whole to the Government to extend the greatest possible clemency to the rank and file, who, we believe, were deceived into taking part in the rising. That we take this opportunity of again recording our unabated confidence in Mr. J. E. Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party, and thoroughly endorse the attitude they adopted during the crisis we are passing through.”
Mr. Phlean said there was one thing he wished to refer to in connection with the matter. That was the evidence of Major Price, which was a disgrace to Ireland. He said that the magistrates appointed recently failed to do their duty, and that they were men of no position or principle He (Mr. Phlean) considered that was a scandalous thing for a man, and especially an Irishman, to say. He did not know whether Major Price was an Irishman or not. He was a man who had control in administration, as he was a go-between between the military and the police. It was no wonder that they should be rising in rebellion when they were governed by men who held such opinions of our Nationalists and Catholic fellow-countrymen. The Lord Lieutenant said he had to depend on the Press for information while holding an office which cost £20,000 a year.
Mr. Conlan said they should look to the future, and he expressed the hope that the efforts to bring about a settlement would be successful. He thought they should encourage the men entrusted with the work of arriving at a settlement. They should sink all personal and party differences in the hope that a golden future may emerge from the present disastrous period.
The Chairman said he had intended to speak to this or some such resolution but as it had been dealt with he did not think it necessary to prolong it. He agreed thoroughly with Mr. Conlan when he said that they should look forward to the future, and try and let the past be the past (hear, hear).
The resolution was adopted unanimously.

Leinster Leader article regarding resolution passed in Kildare County Council denouncing the actions of certain individuals during the Rising.

[Compiled by Mario Corrigan; typed by Sarah Luttrell; edited by Niamh Mc Cabe]

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758