Leinster Leader 9 December 1967


The wedding took place in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Burslem, Stoke-on Trent, on November 18th of Mr. Thomas Arthur Fanning, Bomber Command, R.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fanning, Pennycroft Road, Uttoxeter, and Miss Joan Lee, S.R.N., Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. The bridegroom was born at Kinneagh, Curragh, in 1944 but left when he was a year old. His mother was formerly Miss Brigid Robbins, Kinneagh, whose sisters are Mrs. Maloney, Kilcullen; Mrs. Cahill, Walterstown. Aunts are Mrs. Leonard, Naas; and Mrs. Cooke, Tipper, Naas; and uncles are Messrs M. and P. Connor, Tipper.

Bestman was Junior Technician Frazer McCoy, a colleague of the groom, and bridesmaid was Miss Kathleen Moules, Dublin, cousin, who travelled with her sister from Ireland for the wedding. About sixty guests attended the reception afterwards in the George Hotel, Burslem.

On leaving school, the bridegroom joined the R.A.F. as an electronics apprentice. He is holder of the Borneo Medal and was recently promoted after attending an eighteen-months course at the R.A.F. College, Newtown. One of the many congratulatory wires received at the wedding came from his brother, Jim, who is attached to Transport Command, R.A.F. His father is a British Army Vehicles Inspector.

The honeymoon is being spent in London and the couple will reside in Lincoln where the bride is a staff nurse in Lincoln General Hospital.

Re-typed by Jennifer O’Connor

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758