Leixlip Chronolgy 1700 – 1730 AD

Leixlip Chronology 1700 1730

Compiled by

John Colgan

1701: In this year the first purpose-built barracks was built on the Liffey close to Dublin city (Was it at Islandbridge, or Chapelizod?) hitherto they had been billeted in private homes or in forts. [R Wyse Jackson, Queen Anne s Irish Army Establishment in 1704 , Irish Sword, Vol I, 1953, p134.]

1703-4: Richard Bulkeley is Master of Merchant Tailors Guild(s). [Tailors Hall, Notice.]

1704: 36 barracks for horse and 277 for foot-soldiers were listed this year, in some cases attached to castles. They were under the care of 25 barrack-masters. Con Costello, A Most Delightful Station , p20, notes that the only one listed in Co Kildare was at Athy. [R Wyse Jackson, Queen Anne s Irish Army Establishment in 1704 , Irish Sword, Vol I, 1953, p134.]

1704: Agmondisham Vesey assigned the village or hamlet called Allenswood, Cos. Kildare and Dublin, this year to William Norman and John Dixon. [Sarsfield Papers: List of Deeds, 1414-1808, Deed No. 89: 56th Report of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland]. A. Vesey, Senior, was Comptroller and Accountant General, Revenue Commissioners, as was his son of same name – Directory of Dublin, 1738.

1705: In a will dated 2/4/1705, Wm Clinch of Loughtown and Newcastle, Co Dublin, there was mention of domestic servants, Maurice and Nicholas Tannam. [Registry of Deeds Memo No 6-336-2227 Abstracts of Wills, Vol 1, 1708-45.]

1707: A Bill was introduced in the IHoC to make the age of consent to marriage 16 and 14 years for males and females, respectively.

1707: 6 Anne c19, Irish Statutes: An Act to preserve Bishop Narcissus Marsh’s public library for ever in St. Sepulchre’s parish, St. Patrick’s Close, adjoining the Bishop’s Palace (now Kevin St. Police Station).

1707: On 25 July, 1707 Francis Glascock, Robert Ridge and Peter Daly petitioned the Commons [No 438], that "a saving in their Favor may be inserted in Heads of a Bill now before the House, intitled ‘An Act to amend an Act to prevent Papists "being Solicitors". It was referred to the Committee on the said Heads of a Bill [HoCJ, Vol 2, p509.]

1707 or 1709: A map entitled a Survey of Parcels of Land being part of the lands of Leixlip, Co. Kildare, Barony of Salt, belonging to the Rt. Hon. Col. Henry Luttrell, containing 63a 1r 24p, Plantation measure, and contains about 23 parcels marked as Luttrell s. The survey was taken by Henry Roe, 1707 or 1709, extends from Collinstown on the south west to the Main Street, ending at a road south off the Main Street into what is now the central car park (possibly in line with a ford across the river at this point; the old Liffey bridge which had been destroyed some years previously was close to the Salmon Leap falls and near to the Castle). This suggests that the west side of the town was developed and east of this old bridge was not at that time? [Map in Castletown Collection, IAA]. The map labels the Green Lane Commons and the Dublin Road west of what is now Gallivan’s Cross, with a house on or near Hillford House, Gallivan’s Cross and a few cabins on the north side of the Main Street, west of St Mary’s Church, which is shown. No road to distillery by Rye is shown. There is a road which looks like Lannery s Lane called Large Lane – Comons [sic] ending in a cul de sac, with ambiguous road off to Rye. Some of the land is Lord Kildare s but most of it is Esq White s. Henry Luttrell was shot dead some time before 1717. A similar map to the above, by Henry Roe of 1709, tinted and showing an amusing cartoon of a bearded gent at his drafting easel and two ‘cherubic angels’ flitting about with a measuring chain between them. [Castletown Papers, Boxes 84 to 86, IAA]. Although there is no record to hand of a Henry Roe from Leixlip, it is likely that he did come from there, as there were at least six separate families of Roes, including two prior to 1709, in Leixlip parish in the interval, 1677 to 1757, and the baptismal records of 28 of those years prior to 1707 are missing. He may have come from Aderrig; a Roe had a croft there in 1537. He may also have come from Fermanagh. See notes on William Alexander Noble. A Symon Luttrell was listed as resident at Luttrellstown in the Directory of Dublin, 1738

1709: A lease of the townlands of Kilmacreddock to John Colman of the Parish of St. Martin’s in the Fields, Co. of Middlesex. [Castletown Papers, box 36, IAA]. Was he an absentee landlord? I have found no other reference to him.

1710: On 4th June, John White Esq., a minor, of Leixlip, petitioned the House of Commons to enable him to sell or mortgage his estates to pay his younger brother and sister and other debts [HoCJ, Vol 2, p600]. Within a few days, on 10/6/1710, his wife, Mary, alias Purcell, sought control of her own lands and debt and money due to her (p.654 ibid). On the same date John’s guardian, Lieut-General Sankey and Mary White petitioned the Commons for leave to bring in heads of a Bill in pursuance of an agreement between the parties (separating?) in relation to Mary’s estate. The House ordered, as requested, that Messrs Conolly, Campbell and St. John Brodrick prepare the bill and that they further take into account a petition by Mary and her Father, Nicholas Purcell, that she be discharged from proceeding further on the said petition. (p.662, ibid) Six Campbells were listed in the Directory of Dublin 1738 at different addresses; a clothier, grocer and stationer denominated.

1710: The estimated population of Dublin was ~70,000, of which ~40,000 were Protestant. Those who were freemen of the city are catalogued [Gertrude Thrift, Dublin City Assembly Freedom Rolls, R/1/05/08, Dublin City Archives].

1711: The Irish Linen Board was established. Linen, wherever it was made, had to be brought to the Linen hall in Dublin to be sold.

1711: Lease Book from Castletown Estate (Castletown Papers, Box 59, No 14, IAA) notes that a lease made on 16/8/1711 by Jas Marriott to Ben. Reyner provided for ‘Machfield’ [sic]. It noted that Mr Proby pays £5 rent; 7 acres. A manuscript copy of the lease with Benjamin Rayner, of Leixlip, Innholder, is to hand; it is part of the deeds belonging to Marshfield House. Anecdotal evidence suggests the existence of an inn on Black Avenue, to the rear of Marshfield; this may have been Rayner’s. [aka Raynor]. Benjamin Rayner had a daughter, Catherine, born 10/7/1710; A Catherine Rayner was buried, 24/8/1711, in St Mary’s graveyard, Main St, Leixlip.

1712: Confirmations carried out in St Mary’s on the 6/5/1712 included: Mary and Elizabeth Bolan, and Bartholomew and Robert Raynard.

1714: On 12 June 1714, the sheriff, Brabazon Ponsonby, wrote from Naas to J Dawson: Sir the magistrates met on this date and received several examinations against Popish Registered priests that celebrate mass and have not taken the Oath, and also against a Popish schoolmaster. They have granted warrants against all these. Several of the Justices met at Maynooth on the 10th inst and took examinations against a registered priest and a priest not registered and against two popish schoolmasters and granted warrants. [More of the same at Timolin and elsewhere..] The priests have all absconded themselves at present but all diligence care shall be taken by me to putt the said warrants in due execution . [Rev Wm P Burke, The Irish Priests in the Penal Times (1660-1760) from the State Papers in HM Record Offices, etc., Waterford, 1914, p328.]

c1715: Alexander Noble, working as a clockmaker at Lisnoskaugh [Lisnaskea] this year. Probably direct descendant of William Alexander Noble of the Toll/Bridge House, Leixlip, who died 1879 at Morphy House, nr Lisnaskea. [Wm Galland Stuart, Watch and Clockmakers of Ireland, Dublin 2000].

1716: John White [aka Whyte] of Leixlip in a lease dated 15/5/1716 demised to Robert Ingham, dyer, of Leixlip, the house, garden, orchard and parke [sic] called the Tenter Park and the park called the Furryhill, then in the occupation of Richard Ingham and his father, William Ingham, from 25th March last for the longest living of three lives, Richard, his wife Ann, and his brother Joseph, at a yearly rent of £6 sterling for the house, garden and orchard and 15 shillings per acre for the parks and 12d in the £ receivers fee, the rent payable twice yearly. [Reg. of Deeds Memo No: 51-86-32879] They were later evicted for non-payment of rent…
Robert Ingham had a large family, baptised in St Mary’s, Leixlip: Elizabeth, b.10/5/1716; Sarah, b.5/5/1720; William, b.4/11/1722;
Mary, b. 17/6/1727 and Hestor, baptised on 10/10/1730 in Lucan. Did Robert move off the Leixlip site to live in Lucan before work on the bridge started? It seems so. Sarah Ingham of Lucan married John Quay, 9/7/1736; she was aged 16. William Ingham and Margrat Brown were married, 23/7/1746 (presumably at Lucan or Leixlip); William would have been nearly 24 years old.

Robert’s son, William, had in turn another large family: John, who was born in Corgorfin, Aberdeenshire, North Brittain [sic], but baptised in the parish in 13/11/1750; Catherine, baptised, 11/8/1754; William, b. 23/12/1755; Sarah, b.10/5/1758 and Robert, b.23/7/1759 – all the latter born in Lucan.
A William Ingham – we’re not sure whether it is the grandfather or grandson of that name, who was on his death in 1777, described as a linen printer residing at Palmerstown, Co. Dublin.
A John Ingham and Jane Robinson obtained a marriage licence in 1730 [Deputy Keeper’s 26th Report]. Several Robinsons from the 18th and 19th c. are buried in St Mary’s graveyard.

1717: Stephen Costilloe or Costello, of Dublin, gentleman, and Agmonisham Vesey, of Lucan, agreed that the former could have navigation of the river Liffey from Dublin to the bridge of Kilcullen [Sarsfield Papers, nos. 126 & 127, List of Deeds, 56th Report of the Deputy Keeper.] There’s also a reference in a lease on the mills at Leixlip which refers to access on the mill race "up to Costello’s works".

Agmonisham Vesey’s daughter, Elizabeth, died, 15/5/1726. [St Mary s, Leixlip, Parish Register.]

Ruth Delaney, Ireland’s Royal Canal, Dublin (1992), notes that the 1715 Act to encourage the draining and improving of the bogs and unprofitable low grounds and for the easing and despatching the inland carriage and conveyance of goods from one part to another within this Kingdom envisaged linking the major rivers of Ireland. The Act specified that Dublin should be connected to the Shannon via the Liffey, Rye, Boyne, Murragh and Brosna rivers. Work began on the river Liffey in the 1720s, financed by private subscription, but proved a complete and costly failure. Stephen Costello was involved in this failed scheme. [See refs. in Delaney’s book, p29]

1717: Samuel Molyneux, or Molyneaux, secretary to the Prince of Wales, left lands in Co Kildare in his will of this year to his wife. [Registry of Deeds Memo No: 58-278-39; in Abstract of Wills, Vol 1, 1708-45.]

1718: A coach service between Dublin and Kinnegad was begun this year. An early traveller was Jonathan Swift, who wrote of his weary journey in an Irish stage coach [Joseph McMinn, Jonathan s travels, Belfast, 1994, p60.]

1719: On 24/7/1719, [ HoCJ, Vol.3, p198.] is reported that a petition of Stephen Costelloe [sic], Gentleman, praying this House will take into consideration his great trouble and expense in making surveys and estimates of several rivers .. in order to [make] a navigable communication.. – was read and referred to the Committee of Supply. There is a reference in one of the deeds relating to the mills of Mill Lane, Leixlip, or the Bridge/Toll House of a right of access to the millraces "up to Costelloe’s works". This is he.. Costelloe also had an influence in the advocating of the development of the Royal Canal many years later.

1720: Confirmations at St Mary’s on 22/8/1720 included John, Thomas and Mary Bolan; John, Walter and Patrick Donellon. The Nixon-Donnellon family lived in Ravensdale.]

c1720: Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729), founder of the Tatler, a Dubliner, friend and school mate of Joseph Addison (1672-1719), flourished. [Adrian MacLoughlin, Guide to Historic Dublin, Dublin 1979, p206] Another Sir Richard Steele, perhaps a relative two generations on, may have lived in the Glebe, Leixlip, or the previous building on this site, Glin’s tenement.

1721: On 25/10/1721, [HoCJ, Vol 3, p235.] is reported that Stephen Costelloe [sic], Gentleman, secured a grant of £500 "for the many services performed by him to the public", i.e., making a navigable communication from the inland country to the sea-ports…

1722: Francis Glascock, solicitor, is examined before the Rt Hon Lord Chief Justice, Whitshed, in Dublin on 7th August, 1722. The examination relates to some apparently intercepted letters sent by him to Monsieur Cha. Patson in Paris, and vice versa. In the course of his examination and correspondence which was being cited, he refers to having seven sons, a brother Christopher Glascock, and his brother Whyte [White] being High Sheriff of Kildare to where he was then going. One address at Paris was the College of Navarre, where Mr James Wogan was. There is also mention of Mr Chas Wogan (a Lieutenant in the Spanish service) and Nicholas Wogan (a Captain in the Duke of Berwick’s regiment (father of Rev. Berwick, of Leixlip). He spoke of Christopher’s dealings in the Mississippi Company. Also a reference to Major Allen of St. Woolstons [sic], and Sir Charles Patson being a trustee for one Hacket. Francis Glascock was asked whether he is a Protestant and how long he hath been so, saith he is a Protestant and hath been so about 14 or 15 years. [PRO: State Papers, Ireland, transcript of Bundle 380, No (762) in PRONI, T/1719/546.]

1722: Richard Guinness (c1685- c1767), Arthur’s father, was agent, ie land steward, for Dr Arthur Price, vicar of Celbridge and Canon of Kildare, who lived at Oakley Park (= St Raphael’s), Celbridge [Patrick Guinness, millennium paper]. Price was also William Conolly s chaplain and a favourite. His father, Samuel, had been vicar of Celbridge before him. Arthur Price was promoted to Archbishop of Cashel in 1744.

1723: 10/10/1723, HoCJ, Vol 3, p331: Stephen Costilloe [sic], on his own behalf and other proprietors for making the Liffey navigable, was presented to the HoC and said that he had proceeded a good way in carrying out the navigation of the Liffey, and would have near finished the same, were it not for some proprietors not subscribing what they said they would. The works therefore suffered much and if the House supplied funding it would be made completely navigable. The House divided 92 for, 31 against. Mr Agmondisham Vesey was a teller for the ‘yeas’. It was referred to the Committee of Supply.

1724: Confirmations at St Mary’s, Leixlip, on 1/7/1724 included John Barton, Ann Bolan, and Honorita Ransfoord.

1724: Speaker Wm Conolly purchased Rathfarnham Castle and lands from Philip, duke of Wharton, son of Thomas, Marquis of Wharton, one-time Viceroy in Ireland, for the sum of £62K. Philip, in his twenties, was in debt from gambling and drink, had to sell it. Conolly sold it after acquiring Castletown house and before 1746. [Adrian MacLoughlin, Guide to Historic Dublin, Dublin 1979, p211]. As Speaker Conolly died c1729, he evidently sold it by then. A lease on a paper mill at Rathfarnham reverted to Wm Conolly this year; [Registry of Deeds Memo No: book 48-31391-210, Wharton to Jones.]

1725: Arthur Guinness born at Celbridge to Richard G. and Elizabeth Read (of the cutlers family]; godfather was Vicar Arthur Price [Patrick Guinness, millennium paper]

1728: Confirmations at St Mary’s on 22/7/1728 included George Simmonds and Samuel Pechell. The Simmonds family lived at Collinstown. Daniel Simmonds was a member of the Turnpike Commissioners and had offices at Clare Street, Dublin.

1728: In June 1728 William (Speaker) Conolly agreed to purchase from John Whyte [White] for £11,883 the manor, town and lands of Leixlip, Newtown and Stacumny, with some exceptions, namely portions later purchased by his nephew William (Jnr), MP, on 7
August 1731, who came to live in Leixlip after the death of his uncle on 30 October, 1729, in his Capel Street, Dublin, residence. Speaker Conolly was born in Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal about 1662. He was elected to parliament in 1715 and he was made Lord Justice in 1716. His Capel St residence was more or less where the Debtor s Prison was at Bolton St end. [See Lena Boylan s History of the Conolly family.] Speaker Conolly left all his lands, manors and tenements in Co. Kildare to his widow, Katherine (nee Conyngham), and after her death (in 1752) to his nephew, who had directly inherited Speaker Conolly’s estates in Dublin. His executors were his wife, nephew, Arthur Price, (later Archbishop of Cashel, who d. 30/7/1752 and who is buried in St Mary’s) Marmaduke Coghill and Thomas Morlay. [Conolly Papers, TCD includes a short history of family]. Wm Conolly’s town house was at Capel Street, Dublin. His widow was residing there in 1738, according to the Directory of Dublin, 1738. Arthur Price (Pryse) was schooled at TCD from 2nd April,1696, at the age of 17. His father was Samuel Price, a clergyman, and he was born in Dublin. He was awarded a BA in 1700 and a D.D. on April 16, 1724. In Watson’s Almanack of 1735 he was Bishop of Meath and by the 1742 edition he was a member of the Privy Council in Ireland. He was Vice-Chancellor of the university in 1748 and later Archbishop of Cashel.
Marmaduke Coghill, S.C., was born in Co. Dublin and entered TCD on 30th March, 1686/87 when 16 years old. He graduated with a BA, LL.B., and LL.D. He was a judge of the Prerogative Court [Watson’s Almanack, 1735 to about 1743], member of the Privy Council, MP for Armagh in 1692- 1703 and one time Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer. Speaker Conolly’s nephew, the Rt. Hon. Wm. Conolly, was elected an MP in 1727, and served for 27 years until his death on 3 January, 1754. He married Anne Wentworth in 1733 and their only son, Thomas Conolly, married Louisa Lennox in 1758. Watson’s Almanack, 1735 to 1744+ has him as Cursitor in the Court of Chancery; this Wm Conolly lived at Dunsink [Directory of Dublin, 1738, Dublin Corporation, 2000].

1728: A deed showing the articles of agreement made 22/6/1728 between Wm (Speaker) Conolly and John Whyte [White]. It shows a Schedule of Leases Whyte had allocated in Leixlip. The list is of considerable interest, as most of the leases date to the commencement
of registration by the Registry of Deeds, Dublin. The following were included in the Schedule

Lease to John Peppard of 29 years from 25/3/1714 at a rent of £23 – 2 – 0 p.a.
Ditto to Robert Ingham for 3 lives at £17 – 14 – 6 p.a.
Do. to Robert Dowan for 31 years from 25/3/1724.

Two leases in Leixlip town of houses to Dennis Bollan (c1718?)

"A lease to Dennis Bollan of the Salmon Leap Inn for 31 years from 25th March 1713 at £7 – 7s per annum".

A lease of the Corn Mills made to Andrew Keating for 31 years from 26th March, 1726 at £52 – 10s per annum. [Box 28, Castletown Papers, IAA]

Robert Dowan had a daughter, Catherine, baptised on 2/7/1710 in the parish; she, or a namesake, died and was buried in St Mary’s on 24/8/1719. He is probably linked to Downes Bakery, Ballsbridge, Dublin.

Dennis Bolan had at least two daughters, Anne and Catherine, baptised 21/7/1710 and 18/7/1715, respectively and a son, John, whose death and burial "in his father’s toomb [sic] in the churchyard of Leixlip" is recorded on 22/6/1723.

1728: On 28/10/1728, Jeremiah Gleydhill, Inn holder, of Leixlip, Co. Kildare, did assign to James Nugent, Esq., of Tulchan, Co. Westmeath, for the sum of £76, the Salmon Leap Inn. [Registry of Deeds Memo No 57-514-39515.] The King’s Inns Admission Papers list many Nugents of Co Westmeath in the legal profession, some connected with Lord Westmeath, in 1674. Gleydhill had a son, of the same name, baptised on 22/8/1729 in St Mary’s, Leixlip.

Headstone in St Mary’s graveyard suggests that it was George Walker, not Warner, who was William Bruce’s father-in-law, and he died on 26/10/1769. Wm Bruce’s wife was Jane [Walker], who d. 7/1/1781 and George Walker’s wife, Celia, d. 6.9.1776. George Walker was the grandson of Rev. Geo. Walker, Governor General of Londonderry when besieged in 1689. See 1778 for birth of son to Bruces. The Directory of Dublin for 1738 [Dublin Corporation, 2000] listed a George Bruce as a merchant at Cornmarket, James & William (a bookseller) Bruce at Blind Quay, Dublin. William Bruce, bookseller in Dublin, c1720-9-37. [Advertisements in Dublin Mercury, No.13, 5th January, 1722/3 & Dublin Gazette, No 1697, 17-21 January 1737/8.]

Indenture dated 22/6/1728, articles of agreement between Wm Conolly’s executor and John Whyte [he signs his name Whyte, not White] Esq. of Leixlip. It includes a lease with Patrick or John Brassil, dated 17/3/1713; one with John Peppard dated 25/3/1714; one with Robert Ingham (no date); one with Robert Down, 1724; Benjamin Reynor, dated 25/3/1716; and James Levy, dated 25/3/1712; and with John Hallion, 25/3/1713; lease to Denis Bollan re Salmon Leap Inn of 31 years from 25/3/1713 at £7 7s per annum; also tenement and garden in Leixlip to same from 25/3/1718 at £10 10s p.a.; another to John Ford, tenement and land, Leixlip from 1712; lease to Carroll Dally ditto, dated 25/3/1728; lease of the Corn Mills to Andrew Keating for 31 years from 26/3/1726 at £52 10s p.a., in
which there’s a reference to a lease of 22/8/1723 from John Whyte to Hulda Brazill, widow of John Brazill, deceased, Inn holder – [perhaps the Ryevale Tavern?]. [Castletown Papers, box 75, IAA] A memorial of this lease is at the Reg. of Deeds, ref. 38-436-24908; it was for lands formerly held by Patrick Brazil, Innholder, and the lease was for 31 years at a rent of £20 sterling.

Patrick Brazill is the father of Matthew Brazill, [baptised, St Mary’s, 28/4/1709] of Leixlipp [sic] who died intestate in 1723. John and Hulda Brazill had twin sons, Stanly and Patrick, baptised 25/7/1721, at St Mary’s, Leixlip.

Robert Ingham’s father or son, William Ingham, of Palmerstown, Co. Dublin, linen printer, died intestate in 1777. Probably the son, as the father had married in 1679 and would have been long dead by then.

A St. Mary’s graveyard headstone relates Joan Levy, who d. 2/9/1743 aged 50, as wife of Thomas Thunder, who d. 31st [sic] November 1750 aged 40. The Thunders had a holding in Mill Lane, Leixlip. Three daughters, Mary, Bridget and Jane, of Thomas Thunder, Leixlip, were baptised on 11/12/1744, 1/2/1748 and 27/5/1750, respectively. [Perhaps he married again?]

1728: Indenture between John Whyte of Leixlip and John Usher of Dublin City re the mills at Mill Lane, Leixlip; Whyte was indebted to Usher. [Castletown Papers, box 75, IAA]. Us[s]her was related to the Molyneux, later tenants of the iron mills; a letter of 22 October 1726 from Christopher Ussher to his father speaks of Samuel Molyneux as ‘Cousen Molyneux’. [Letter quoted in JKAS, Vol X, 1922-1928, p.196] Christopher Ussher lived at Smithfield; he was clerk to the trustees of the Linen Board, Molesworth St – Directory of Dublin, 1738.

1729: The mills at the Newbridge, by St. Wolstan’s, were granted to Robert Randall, Dublin paper maker, this year. They are shown as paper mills on Alex. Taylor’s map of 1783 and in 1800, Andrew Fawcett of Newbridge, who had a life interest in the mills, is described as a paper maker. They were later converted for use as a flour-mill. [Lena Boylan, Celbridge Charter, No. 177, May 1988]

There is a gravestone in Tea Lane Cemetery, Celbridge which states: To Robert Randall, of the City of Dublin, paper maker, and his posterity. Here lieth the body of his father Robert Randall who died the 16th February 1749 in the 90th year of his age. Here also lieth the body of his brother Anthony Randall who died 24th January 1761 in the 40th year of his age. Also Mrs Randall, beloved wife of Robert Randall of the City of Dublin paper merchant dec d April 1768 aged 60 years. [See also James W Phillips, Printing & Bookselling in Dublin, 1670-1800, Dublin, 1998, for extensive references to Robert Randal.]

1729: Arthur Dobbs pointed out (in 1729) that Irish linens to the value of £177,000 a year were sent to England, where, after printing and staining nearly doubled their value. At the time, the exporting of stained linens from Ireland was forbidden. [Cited by Ada K Longfield, History of the Irish Linen and Cotton Printing Industry in the 18th Century , JRSAI, Vol 67, 1937, p26-56.]

1729: On the 22d. Instant, July, stolen or stray d from Jeremy Gleydhill at the Salmon-Leap-Inn in Leixlip, a bay Gelding with a Star, and the Life hind Foot white about the Fetlock, 14 Hands, one inch high, 6 or 7 Years old; likewise a black Mare, with Star and Snip, 14 Hands and a half high, 5 Years old. Whoever brings them to the said Gleydhill or the Printer hereof, shall receive 5 Pounds Reward, and no Questions asked. – Advert in Faulkner s Dublin Journal, From Saturday July 26th to Tuesday, July 29th 1729. [Info provided by Thomas Byrne]

1730: An undated Income Statement of John Whyte [White], Esq., lists the rents due on a variety of Leixlip properties, often with some mention of the lease agreements and tenures. The approximate date is March, 1730. There is no obvious entry relating to the Toll House or Bridge House, which, in 1730, would not have existed as such. Two of the entries were as follows:
To 2 years rent due by Peter Tuite and ors. 25 Mar 1730,…..£12 – 12 – 0
House, Parke [sic] and new House, ………………………………….£12 – 12 – 0.
[Castletown Papers, Box 28, IAA]

A Chronology of Leixlip 1700 – 1730 AD compiled by John Colgan. Our thanks to John.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758