Leinster Express, August 26, 1871


The festival of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin ushered in three blessings on this town, whose church is dedicated under the invocation of our Lady as well as that of St. David – the foundation day in 1827, the completion last autumn (after a lapse of over forty years), and the blessing of the Christian Brothers’ Convent Schools and grounds, on Wednesday. After rosary, a sermon of singular power, beauty, and practical tendency, was preached, and pontifical benediction of the Blessed Sacrament given. A deputation of the brothers was present, and the assemblage of the faithful all that could be desired, though only three or four hours’ notice was given. The convent consists of seven apartments – a chapel (or rather a little church), a study, refectory, and kitchen, with three cells, corresponding to the number of the community. The situation is most healthful, and possesses much historical interest. The school of the more advanced children is a noble apartment, while that of the juniors is lofty, well ventilated and lighted. The recreation grounds are cheerful, and possess a deep interest for the faithful, as the sacrifice was offered on the spot for many years, and it was the theatre of the soul-stirring sermons of Father Wm. Fitzgerald, who preceded the Rev. Gerald Doyle as parish priest of Naas in 1814.


Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758