Records of those who were laid to rest in

Old Carton   Graveyard




Angel small web.jpg


Erected by Richard B E Doyle of Kellystown in memory of his father Christopher Doyle Died 18 September 1921 aged 77, also his mother Jane Doyle died 9 July 1889 aged 36 years. Infant child Christopher Joseph the above Richard B E Doyle 15 September 1944 aged 59. Elizabeth Mary Kiernan (nee Lily Doyle) died 8 April 1954 aged 71 years

In memory of Maryanne Molloy died 18 January 1879 aged 66 years also Mrs. Jane Doyle died 9 July 1889 aged 36 years at Kellystown House Co Kildare. R.I.P.                                             
Gravestone by Kin Ardiff. (Both Gravestones 1, 2 within the same grave)

Erected By John Monks of Carton in memory of his beloved Father Bryan Monks who died 6th Jany 1841 aged 67 years Also of his beloved Mother Iionaria Monks who died 3rdFebr 1855 aged 56 years And also Mary Monks wife of the above named John Monks who died on the13th May 1904 aged 85 years Also of the said John Monks who died on the 3rd July 1905 aged 83 years                                                                                                         

To commemorate the maney virtues to record his own ardent and lasting affection this monument is erected by Michael Moylan as a tribute to the memory of his beloved wife Mary who died 8 June 1844 aged 44 years here also lieth the remains of his brother Patrick who died 15 August 1837 aged 50 years his nephew Barthw Coen who died 14 September 1841 aged 21 years Also to the memory of Michael Moylan who departed this life August 14 th 1851 aged 57 years. Bottom of stone Requiescant in Peace. Cha ‘s’Moran Tick.                                                                           
Grave Stone on the flat held up by four 7 Inch By 1O Inch piers (Right of tomb facing east)

Old Carton tomb small web.jpg


Erected by Elizabeth Brangan in memory of her dearly beloved father Laurence Brangan of Old Carton who died 21st July 1872 aged 70 years R.I.P                                                                    

(Plaque back left of Tomb facing road)
here also lie the remains of William Brangan who died 30th July 1828 aged 74 years likewise those of his beloved wife Mary who died 7th January 1862 aged 81 years and those of their Daughter Eliza Brangan who died 18th June 1827 aged 27 years.                
(Plaque front right of Tomb facing road. Centre Plaque with Cross only)

here also lie the remains of Bridget Brangan who died 1st November 1883 aged 87 years R.I.P.                                                                                                                                            

(Plaque centres off roadside. One either sides blank. Total of 3 Plaques each side of Tomb). Tomb 122 inches long by 85 inches wide and 56 inches (Appt.) high…
Erected by Stephen Montcomery in memory of his beloved Mother Mrs Catherine Montcomery of Ballynare who died Septr 14th 1876 aged 58 years also his eldest Brother William who died Febry 12th 1855 aged 16 years and his beloved Father Thomas who died 22nd March 1887 pray for their soul and the soul of Stephen Montcomery who died in Maynooth College 15th November 1914 aged 68 years                                                                  
(4 rt. Stone right back wall, circular cross top)
To the memory of Terence Magee who died in Novr 1768 this stone was erected by his faithful Wife Catharine Magee.                                                                                                         
(3rd Stone right back wall ½ sizes of the other 3 stones).
 Of your charity pray for the soul of Thomas Magee who died 19th September 1855 aged 43 years also for the soul of his son William aged 7 years and 6 months also Catharine Magee who died November 20th 1892 aged 78 years.                                                                         
(2nd Marble stone right back wall, marble cross top)
Erected by Terence And Jane Magee Maynooth in memory of their beloved father Christopher Magee who died 23rd July 1894 aged 72 years also their beloved Mother Catherine Magee Who died 2 nd February 1895 aged 70 years also their beloved brother Thomas who died 3rd May 1887 aged 24 years also the above Terence who died 28th June 1909 aged 53 years also his wife Julia who died 29th Jany 1911 aged 56 years and their youngest son Thomas died 28th Oct 1924 aged 30 years the above Jane died 24th March 1928. R.I.P.                                                                                             
Gravestone by Fitzpatrick & Sons Glasnevin. 1 Stone right back wall cross on circular top

Erected By Bernard Flynn Carton Maynooth in memory of his beloved father Bernard Flynn who died 8th Augt 1875 aged 75 years also his beloved Mother Bridget Flynn who died June 5th 1882 aged 85 years.                                                                           

Gravestone by Fitzpatrick & Sons Glasnevin.
1 Stone right of old church wall

Loving memory of Maurice Bernard Flynn who died 17th September 1916 aged 25 years and Bridget Mary Flynn who died 29 December 1891 aged 3 years the dear children of Bernard and Rose Flynn.                                                                                

2nd Stone right of old church wall Celtic cross.

Cross Small In loving memory John Bryne March 9th 1888 R.I.P.
Crossways at foot of entrance to tomb. Only able to read part of as the other section is berried in clay.
Erected? Of Old Carton? Her dearly? William Brangan? Intern here? July 31st 1828? Also hereth Elizabeth Brangan? life June 18 th 1827. (Looks as if it was the original gravestone before the Tomb was built).
Leaning over Stone Erected by Alicia Rafferty in memory of her belov, husband Timothy Rafferty of Ashill departed this life September the 17th 1798 aged 56 years also his son David Rafferty departed this life October 25th 1813 aged 36 years here also lies her father’s mother and brother Patrick Merion who departed this life 29 th.
 Erected by Michael Darcy in memory of his father Edward Darcy who departed this life May the 6th 1787aged 60 years also his brother Daniel who deprt this life June 4th 1786 aged 72 years .
This stone was erected by Cathrine Murtah (in between the first line and the second the following was added in) Of Kellys town ) in memory of her husband Patrick Murtah depd this life March 13 th 1807 aged 75 years also 4 of their children may they rest in peace
Here lieth the body of James Bryon who departed this life the 26 th March 1845 aged 48 years.
Flynn, S Angle Gravestone.(Front)   Erected by Thomas Flynn Old Carton in memory of his beloved wife Elizabeth the youngest daughter of the late Laurance Brangan who died 23rd July 1916
(Side left).   also his wife Alice Flynn depe 16 September 1957aged 74 years 
(Side right). pray for the soul of Thomas Flynn died 20th November 1943 aged 69 years    R.I.P.

Gravestone By = Edward Sharp Dublin.                                                                                                                    

This Tomb was Erected by Mrs Jane Reilly of Johnstown Court Dublin in memory of her Dearly beloved Husband John Reilly whos remains lies here intern’d with six of their children, he died the 14 Febry 1794 aged 45 years.                                       
This Gravestone that is half covered by clay.
Erected By Julia Madden in memory of her darling Beloved Husband Thomas Walter Madden M.D. who DIED at Old Carton February 5th 1889 aged 46 years also the above Julia Madden who died 26 Nov 1914.                                                                              
This gravestone is right of  above Flynn S
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 updated by Henry Flynn







A list of grave-stone transcriptions supplied by Henry Flynn, from Old Carton graveyard. Our thanks to Henry

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758