1798 REBELLION – 23/10/1798 Newspaper account of some events during the Rebellion

23/10/1798 Freeman’s Journal
        A letter received from Sligo yesterday, mentioned, that it is now believed in that quarter, that the vessel in which was Napper Tandy, has escaped to France.
There have been discovered among the French troops taken prisoner on board the vessels captured by the squadron of Sir J.B. Warren, above 70 Irishmen. Six of them, it is said, are from Belfast, and one of them J.T. a cidevant merchant, who amassed a considerable fortune in trace.
It was yesterday reported that Holt, who has been so long a desperate leader of insurgents in this country, having been suspected by some of his followers, that he was about to betray them, they hung him in their camp.
The dispatches that came to hand of Buonaparte’s, gave a most desponding account of his situation. Without reinforcement, he said he could not expect to get forward to India, or back to France.
We find, that wherever a system of midnight plunder and violence prevail most, the evil may very much be ascribed to the absence of the principal Noblemen and Gentlemen, whose influence on their tenantry, and others of a superior class, would conduce greatly, if not altogether, to the peace of the country, and the security of its inhabitants. If the country is abandoned to the vicious and ill-affected; if no resistance be made to the progress of depredation, by those who are most interested, it is not to be expected that subordination and a respect for the laws will be speedily restored. This is not the first time that we have observed on this subject, and it will be an happy circumstance for the country, if the adoption of our advice will prelude the necessity of repeating it.

An article from the Freeman’s Journal detailing some events of the Rebellion and comments on the general situation in the country.

[Compiled by Mario Corrigan; typed and edited by Niamh Mc Cabe]

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758