Kildare Observer 29 December 1888


We regret to announce the death of Colonel Connolly, R.M. The deceased gentleman had been in failing health for some time past. He was much respected by all classes, and discharged his magisterial functions with a calm reserve and a strict desire for impartiality. Colonel Conolly in his younger days was an officer in the Coldstream Guards and saw much service in the Crimea, where he distinguished himself by winning the proudest badge of military honor – the Victoria Cross. After his retirement from the army he became Assistant Commissioner of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, and succeeded Colonel Waring as resident magistrate for Kildare, when that gentleman was transferred to another sphere of duty. Colonel Conolly was connected by family ties with this county, being related to the late “Squire” Conolly, of Castletown. He died at the Magistrate’s House, Curragh Camp, on Sunday last, and was interred on Thursday in Mount Jerome. As a mark of respect to his memory, the whole of the troops of the Curragh Brigade, under the command of Major-General C W Thesiger, commanding Curragh, Brigade, paraded at Newbridge, at 9.30 a.m. and lined the streets from the Curragh entrance to the railway station. The troops were dressed in review order, but cloaked as a sign of mourning, and carried the colors. The bands of each regiment played the Dead March in succession as the funeral procession passed, the men resting on their arms reversed. After the arrival of the remains at the railway station, the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders marched on to the down platform, and as the train moved off the united bands played the Dead March, the scene at the moment being peculiarly touching and impressive.

Re-typed by Jennifer O’Connor

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758