James Durney

A song has been launched to mark the 80th anniversary of Frank Conroy, a Kilcullen-born man who died on 28 December 1936 defending the Spanish Republic. The Frank Conroy Commemoration Committee present ‘A young man named Frank Conroy,’ which has been written by Paul McCormack and filmed by Stephen Connelly. It is available to watch on youtube. Frank Conroy was born on 25 February 1914, in Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, and baptized on 1 March 1914. His parents were Michael Conroy (born in Co. Laois) and Catherine Farrell (born in Co. Dublin). Frank Conroy crossed into Spain with Gerry Doran, from Scotland, on 14 December 1936, under the guidance of Frank Ryan. Frank Conroy and Gerry Doran fought at the battle of Lopera, where both were wounded. Frank Conroy died from gunshot wounds to the head and shrapnel wounds to the head; Gerry Doran received similar wounds, but survived.

A young man named Frank Conroy – Written by Paul McCormack.


He was born in Kilcullen town, where a hill goes up and a hill goes down, and his eyes were blue and his hair was brown, a young man named Frank Conroy.

It was nineteen thirty six in Spain, he went to fight in freedoms name.

And he never did come home again, a young man named Frank Conroy.

Now I don’t know was he afraid, but he joined the International Brigade, and he went to the people’s aid, a young man named Frank Conroy.

Three days after Christmas day on a hillside far far away, out-numbered and out-gunned they say, was a young man named Frank Conroy.


Men and woman heard the call and went to fight for good and all, and in the ranks there standing tall, a young man named Frank Conroy.

Shells rained down on that hill, men would die, blood would spill Conroy fought, he’s fighting still, a hero named Frank Conroy.

But Conroy’s machine-gun jammed, Christ he cried, Christ we’re dammed, he died that day in a foreign land, a young man named Frank Conroy.

Two bullets struck him so they said, a shrapnel wound to his head, on the hillside there lying dead, a young man named Frank Conroy.

No mothers tears fell on his grave but his name is carved among the brave, his life for freedoms call he gave, a young man named Frank Conroy.

In a lonely grave across the sea Frank Conroy sleeps there peacefully, for he died for true democracy, a young man named Frank Conroy.

In Kilcullen town the wind was still as news crept up and down the hill, that Frank died in Spain and it was Gods will, a young man named Frank Conroy.


My thanks to Paul McCormack, Mick Healy, Harry Owens and Gerry Abrahams.






Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
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