Leinster Leader 16 September 1939

Athy and the war

Athy factories will scarcely be affected by the European War for at least some months to come, as they have supplies of raw materials which will last the greater part of the year.

The writer learns from a reliable source that work on Athy’s new wallboard factory will continue until all the structures are erected. By that time it is hoped that the machinery which has been purchased in Denmark, will be available.

Prices have shown a tendency to increase in Athy since the outbreak of the war. There is a keen demand by consumers for flour, sugar and coal. Men living in Athy continue to offer their services to the British Government. Some have gone to Belfast to enlist in the British Army.

Wheat sold in Athy this week made 13s 6d per barrel top price. It is apparent that several producers are not disposed to sell their grain at present.



Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758