Kildare Observer 29 December 1883

Consecration of St. John’s Church, Kill

After undergoing very considerable alterations this church was consecrated on Thursday last, St. John’s Day, by the Lord Archbishop of Dublin. The interior was neatly decorated for the occasion with a quantity of Christmas roses and chrysanthemums, given by the Countess of Mayo, and looked remarkably well. In 1827 it was rebuilt by John, fourth Earl of Mayo, the Rev. John Warburton being rector of the parish, but strange to say the church was never consecrated. The architecture of the building was exceedingly plain, the only pleasing feature being the tower and the spire. Six years ago, when the present rector (Rev. James Adams) was appointed there was still a high pulpit and desk, a gallery and high square pews. These have been removed and an orthodox desk and pulpit substituted. The seats are open and are capped with polished mahogany. The chancel, which has just been finished, takes in nine feet of the original church and extends out ten feet, being sixteen feet wide, approached by two stone steps. The aisle is tiled with Peake’s tiles in a suitable pattern, and the chancel with Menton’s encaustic tiles. The organ chamber is on the left hand side, formed out of the portion of the church which was cut off, and on the opposite side is the entrance to the vestry. The choir occupy the chancel where are two kneeling benches with chairs. The handsome velvet cloth for the communion table was given anonymously by one who takes a deep interest in the parish. On either side of the communion table are Glastonbury chairs, the gift of Earl of Clonmell. The east window (of stained glass) is also a gift from Earl of Clonmell, and is erected to the memory of his mother, the late Countess of Clonmell. At the west end where the gallery formerly was, a circular window has been put, and is the gift of Mrs. Adams. In the centre of the window, on stained glass, is a descending dove. The heating apparatus is the same as that adopted in the churches at Bray and Greystones, viz., hot air, and the removal of the old central stove being a great improvement. The bell, which has a very good tone, was recently presented to the Earl of Mayo. There was a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. The consecration service commenced at a quarter to twelve o’clock, the following clergymen being present: The Rev. F.C. Trench, chaplain to his Grace; Ven. the Archdeacon of Kildare, Rev. Canons Cooke, Whelan, Cowell, Revs. J. Boyce, C. Graham, E.H. O’Meara, D. Anderson and S. Smithwick. The Archbishop was met at the porch by the Rector, churchwardens, and select vestry of the parish and the clergy. After the reading of the petition for the consecration, the procession advanced up the aisle chanting the 24th Psalm. The first lesson was read by Canon Cooke, the second by Canon Whelan. The prayers were read by the Rev. James Adams. There was a large congregation present. The musical portion of the service was very well rendered, Lady Eva Burke having taken especial interest in the choir, which was assisted on this occasion by several friends. The Archdeacon of Kildare addressed the congregation from the first and second verses of the 84th Psalm. When the consecration service was concluded, the Archbishop and clergy, with other friends, were entertained to luncheon by the Earl and Countess of Mayo at Palmerstown House.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758