Leinster Leader 30 June 1956

Former Stars in “Sarto” Challenge

“Poplars,” 0-5.             “Bottlenecks,” 1-2.

 Memories were recalled on Monday at Sarto Park, of Kildare as the power in Gaelic football.  Spectators of the Poplars – Bottlenecks match saw one of the team that won the All-Ireland in ’27 and ’28, Gussie Fitzpatrick, give an exhibition of goalkeeping that would befit a man half his age.

All during this game – a goal against him at any time would have meant defeat for his team – he kept his line intact with the agility of a youth, and, by his uncanny anticipation and safe hands saved many goals. The brilliance of his goal-keeping inspired his team-mates, and the “Bottlenecks” last line of defence stood as the rock on which all the “Poplars’” hopes of a goal perished.

Christy Higgins, another player who gave great service to Naas in his younger days, showed that he lost none of the skill and cleverness that had made him a great back.  But, while executing a body swerve he slipped and twisted his knee, which was weakened from injuries received in former matches, and was forced to retire. Another back who played a very sound game was Paddy Herbert, who broke up a great number of his opponents attacks with his effortless fielding and long kicking.

Tribute to Skill

The fact that the veteran, or near veteran backline stood up to a nimble set of forwards for the full hour is a great tribute to their ability and skill.  They never tired, and smashed attack after attack so that the “Poplars” could not get the goal that would win the match for them, and had to take all their points from far out.

The “Poplars’” defence was not near as steadfast as their opponents, though they held their lines successfully for a time – mainly through the efforts of Kit Keogh, the star of the team, Paddy Flynn, George Walsh and Denis Fitzpatrick.

Generalled by Jimmy Dignam, the “Bottlenecks” had the better of their encounters with the backs.  On many occasions they got the ball near the “forty,” and had the defence at sixes and sevens as they raced for the goal.  But their shooting was a little below form, and it was not until near half-time that they notched their first score – a goal – per Eddie Marum.


“Poplars” (J. McHugh’s team) – P. Flynn, D. Fitzpatrick, B. Lawler, C. Keogh, S. McCormack, M. Scully, J. Brennan, J. Mulvey, P. Leavy, M. Walsh, M. Murphy, S. Dunne.

“Bottlenecks (E. Marum’s team) – Gus Fitzpatrick, B. Gaffney, K. Smith, C. Higgins, J. Halligan, P. Herbert, S. Coyle, J. Sheridan, M. Murray, P. Vivash, J. Dignam, W. O’Brien, E. Marum, T. Coyle, J. Hughes.

Subs. – G. Higgins replaced C. Higgins

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