Soldier’s Funeral in Naas

Kildare Observer, 1 February 1919

A rather impressive military funeral took place at Naas on Monday of Private R. Hornidge, R.A.S., Corps, who had spent two years and some odd months in France.  The deceased, who belonged to Naas, was home on leave.  The remains were brought from the Curragh Hospital on a gun carriage, with an escort, and were met by the band of the 1st R.D. Fusiliers (Mr. Caulfield, the bandmaster, opening the instrument boxes for the occasion, the band being under orders for moving at any moment to pay a last tribute to a departed soldier.  The cortege was met at Naas Barracks at 5 p.m.  The prisoners of war just returned from Germany) of the R.D.F., under Sergt. White and the whole under Lieuts. Jowett and Elder, Fife and Forfarshire Yeomanry, formed the mourning party.  The volleys of blank ammunition were fired over the grave by the firing party (under Sergt. Ridgeway) furnished by the Fife and Forfarshire Yeomanry.  The prayers at the graveside were recited by the Rev. Father Tierney, C.C., Naas.  The band played three splendid funeral marches – Chopin’s, Beethoven’s and “The Song of Death.”

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758