Irish Press 8 June 1954


The funeral of Mr. Michael Heffernan, 22 Nash St., Inchicore took place with full military honours to Tay Lane Cemetery, Celbridge, yesterday following Requiem Mass in the Oblate Church, Inchicore, at which Rev. T. Clery, O.M.I., was celebrant.

Mr. Heffernan, who was 64m died at his home on Saturday. A Dublin man, he had a distinguished national service record, fighting with the Citizen Army as a member of the G.P.O. Garrison in 1916, and serving a nine-months prison sentence in Frongoch after the Rising.

During the Black and Tan war he fought with F Company, 4th Batt., I.R.A., and when the last Emergency arose Mr. Heffernan joined the 26th Battalion, which was composed almost entirely of I.R.A. veterans.  A firing-party drawn from the 2nd Eastern Battalion, Portobello, under Lt. Goggins, rendered tribute at the graveside. Mr. Heffernan is survived by his sister, Mrs. Kathleen Whelan.



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