Prayer to St. Brigid
Oh! Dear St. Brigid, patroness of Ireland, we, thy dear Irish children, place ourselves under thy special protection. Thou wert the true friend of God and Ireland and, with St. Patrick, thou didst endow the children of the Gael with a rich and priceless heritage – the knowledge of the true God and the gift of faith. May we ever value this precious gift at its proper worth, and sacrifice everything as thou didst, for its attainment and preservation. Give us a share of thy boundless charity and generosity towards God and our neighbour. Make us strong in the performance of good works, and pioneers of the faith. Help us to be pure and humble and serviceable, as thou wert, seeing God in each of His creatures. And after a life of  holy achievement in the service of God, obtain for us through thy intercession, dear “Mary of the Gael,” a death like thine of peace and joy and resignation, consoled by the holy Sacraments of our holy Church. Amen.

St. Brigid
                                               Gentle Mary of the Gael
                                                Thee our patroness we hail,
                                                Ireland’s maids and matrons all
                                                Flock to thy banner at thy call.
                                                “Fiery Arrow” send thy dart
                                                Straight to every Gaelic heart,
                                                Let thy shining spirit be
                                                Inspiration to an Ireland Free.
                                                Brigid with thy bounty lavish,
                                                Our mean souls and spirits ravish;
                                                Cherish thy children dear, and save us
                                                From losing the faith that Patrick gave us.
                                                “Pearl of Ireland,” precious stone
                                                Set in holy Ireland’s crown,
                                                Grant that this treasure we may find
                                                Ever in our hearts enshrined.

"St. Brigid of Ireland," by Maud Lynch. H.H. Gill (Dublin; 1940), pp.23-24

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758