Leinster Leader 24 December 1938


Youth’s Sad Death From Injuries

Fall From Lorry

A tragedy which has evoked the deepest sympathy amongst all sections of the community in Naas and district occurred last week, resulting in the death of a youth, Michael Lagrue (16), of Caragh Road, Naas.

Deceased was engaged by the well-known catering firm of Mrs. Lawlor and Sons, Naas, on the occasion of the wedding of Miss Patricia Kennedy and Mr. Dermot McGillycuddy, and the tragic incident apparently occurred when a lorry was about to leave Bishopscourt, Kill, the bride’s residence, for Naas.

As the lorry emerged from the yard, some of the utensils struck a piping or beam, connecting the two kitchens of the house and as a result the deceased jumped or was thrown off the lorry.  A number of men were also seated on the lorry, and one of these, Michael Brien, was also knocked off and sustained some minor injuries.  The deceased sustained a fracture to his arm and was attended to immediately and conveyed to his own home in Naas.  He was subsequently treated by Dr. O’Connell Fitzsimons, and removed to the Mater Hospital, where complications having set in, he succumbed to his injuries on Thursday night last.

Of a merry and very bright disposition, deceased was very popular with everyone in the locality and engaged in all the sporting and athletic activities in the neighbourhood.  He was up to recently an employee of the Naas Slipper Company, which company, as fate would have it, had only that week closed down temporarily, and where amongst his fellow employees his unfailing good humour and spirits made him a special favourite.  His untimely passing at such an early age will be deeply mourned, and the sincere sympathy of the townspeople will be extended to his grief stricken parents and other relatives in their terrible and irreparable loss.

The remains were removed from the Mater Hospital on Friday evening to the Parish Church, Naas, and the funeral took place on Saturday to St. Corban’s Cemetery.  The cortege which was one of the largest seen in Naas for some time, was preceded by some one hundred Altar boys under the guidance of the Very Rev. Father Doyle P.P., making a very impressive and touching scene.  The last prayers were recited by Rev. Father Doyle.

The chief mourners were – Michael and Elizabeth Lagrue (parents), Ciss Lagrue (sister), Peter and Joseph Lagrue (brothers), Mrs. Rose Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth Duggan, Mrs. Margaret Murphy (aunts), Mr. Nicolas Murphy (uncle), Mrs. Nellie Keely, Mrs. Mary Flood, Mrs. Rose Byrne, Mrs. Anne Doody, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Mary Lagrue, Misses Sarah Higgins, Maria Murphy, Bridget Dowling, Gretta Lagrue, Peg Duggan, Mr. Jas. Dowling, Chairman, Naas U.D.C.; P. C. Glennon, T. Glennon, James Lagrue, P. Higgins, M. Higgins, M. Doody, P. Byrne, F. Dowling, J. Keely (cousins); Mat. Duggan, Paddy Duggan, M. Farrington, Miss Byrne (relatives).

Mass Cards were sent by the following: Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Morrin and family; M. Flood, G. Higgins, James and Mrs. Dowling, John and Nellie Keely, Nicholas and Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Lawlor, Nas Na Riogh Hotel; Mr. Fortune, Women’s Staff Catering Section; Dan McDonald, Tom Doyle, P. Kelly, Joe, James, John (Pals) on the staff; L. Hogan, J. Callaghan, K. Leonard, R. Gantly, M. Farrington, T. Murphy and family, T.A. Naughton, N.T.; Bill and Delia Daly, John and Mrs. Gaffney and family; Mrs. Dunne and family; Mrs. Ned and Aggie Dunne, Mrs. Johnson and May; Kevin Mullen, Mrs. Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Whelan, Elizabeth Birchall, M. Byrne, J. Regan, J. Mahon, Bridget Farrell, Kathleen and Maura Loughran, Mick and George Foley, Andy Mullen, Maurice, Cyril, Liam and Sean McGarr, Michael Egan.

A wreath was placed on the grave by Mrs. Kennedy, Bishopscourt, Straffan.

A report of the inquest will appear in our next issue.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758