Leinster Leader 25/2/1895
On Saturday last, on receipt of the news of Mr Jordan’s election for South Meath, a number of Whigs from that portion of the County Meath adjoining Kilcock collected into the town and gave vent to their exultation by cheering for Jordan and booing the Independent candidate. The Parnellites of the town, who it is well known constitute the very large majority of the inhabitants, submitted patiently to the insulting conduct of their opponents for a considerable time, but at length the aggressive attitude of the Whigs became so intolerable that the Nationalists turned out in good force and, the rival parties having met at the Meath bridge, a firm fight ensued which lasted for about half an hour. Several blows were given and received, and a number of the combatants received injuries. Fortunately there happened to be a small extra force of constabulary in town, and these, with the two available local men, were quickly on the scene and succeeded in putting a stop to the disturbance. We understand no arrests have been made. It appears the Whigs were carrying out a barrel of porter from the town for the purpose of carrying out some bacchanalian orgies around a bonfire at Dollanstown, and it is stated that their “last words” as they fled from the town were “we have our member, our priests, and our barrel of porter”.

The Leinster Leader of 1895 reports on some robust political exchanges in Kilcock.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758