A thought for the the day …

A reflective thought on a day on which there will be probably plenty of time for reflection … today marks the anniversary of the first Kildare County Council elections on 6th April 1899. This was the first time that Irish people had the opportunity to vote for their local government representation. Prior to that point local administration had been run by elite Grand Juries and quasi-democratic Poor Law Guardians.

The 1899 elections saw the franchise greatly widened including for women. In Councils throughout Ireland the chambers of the new Councils were populated by representatives who were determined to show that Irish people could make a success of governance at local and – eventually – at national levels.

In political terms the elections saw the landed establishment largely swept aside and replaced by Councillors who embodied the rising national aspirations of the closing years of time. There were also voices elected who had the labour interest at heart.

The new Councils quickly engaged with the array of services expected of local government. Some such as roads and housing were to become core functions into modern times. But given current circumstances it is interesting to recall that Councils in their early years also had a significant role in Public Health. Providing and maintaining district dispensaries and the associated services of doctors was a prominent function of Irish local authorities well into the 20th century. Local authorities were then in the front line of the war against consumptive diseases with TB being a particular menace.

Thus as in this month of April 2020 the local authorities play their part in sustaining the Irish people through the crisis of Covaid-19 we can reflect on the foundations set by our predecessors on the first County Councils who were elected into office 121 years ago on this day.

Liam Kenny

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758