The Leinster Express, Saturday, May 13, 1871.
The summer rent day at Donadea Castle, the seat of Sir Gerald Aylmer, Bart., was held on Friday last, and was marked by all the festivities which for years have characterised that event.  The usual distribution of prizes took place, and they were awarded as follows:- The first prize, a corn-drill, to Mr. William Carter, of Grangeclare; the second, a winnowing machine, to Mr Jas. Telford, of Donadea; the third, a portable boiler, to Mr Jas. Dowling, of Allenwood; the forth, a weighing machine, to Mr Thomas Carter, of Coolagh, Kilmeague; the fifth, a plough, to Mr. James Walsh, of Allenwood; the sixth, an excellent jennet and cart, to Mr Wm Cooper of Donadea; the seventh, a patent churning machine, to Mr John Healy, of Kilmeague.
After the drawing was over an excellent luncheon was provided for all present, and an abundant supply of liquids out of the cellar at the Castle.
Fleetwood Rynd Esq., occupied the chair, and Messrs. William Curtis, of Kilmeague, and Patrick Coonan, of Donadea, filled the vice-chairs.
The Chairman proposed the health of Sir Gerald and Lady Alymer (cheers).
Mr. A. Johnston, jun., responded on behalf of his father, who, being one of the oldest tenants on the Donadea estate, generally undertook the task on previous occasions.  He said he had known Sir Gerald and his kind lady for a number of years and had always known them to be thoughtful and indulgent to their tenantry (hear, hear.)  As such all present knew them; therefore it was unnecessary for them to extol their virtues (applause).
The Chairman then proposed the health of Mr and Mrs Alymer and family, which was received with cheers.
Mr Curtis responded on behalf of \Mr and Mrs Alymer.
The Chairman then proposed the health of the successful prize-takers, and coupled the name of Mr James Dowling of Allenwood, with the toast which was received with applause.
Mr James Dowling, jun., responded.  He said he trusted Sir Gerald and Lady Alymer would live long, as the tenants could not desire a landlord or landlady that would take a greater interest in their welfare.
Mr Curtis responded on behalf of the Allen tenantry, and Mr Coonan on behalf of the Donadea tenantry.
Mr A. Johnston, jun., proposed the health of the chairman – their lately appointed agent – and he trusted he might live long to meet them at Donadea.
Mr Rynd said he felt bound to thank Mr Johnston, as also all present, for the manner in which the toast was received.  He wished them all happiness, and hoped to meet them again on future occasions like the present (hear hear.)
The next merry meeting was then given, when a piper was introduced, and dancing commenced, and was kept up to a late hour.

The Leinster Express of May 13, 1871 recalls a summer rent day at Donadea Castle marked by all the festivities which characterised this yearly event in bygone days

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758