BURGLARY AT KILLASHEE, a newpaper article reporting on the discovery by Colonel St. Leger Moore of a burglar in his home

Kildare Observer 14/7/1906
         At a special court on yesterday (Friday), before Colonel de Burgh, D.L, a man named Patrick Brophy, who stated he was from County Kilkenny, was charged with having unlawfully broken into and entered the dwelling house of Colonel St. Leger Moore, Kilashee, on the night of the 12th or morning of the 13th July.
   The following deposition was made by Colonel St. Leger Moore, in which he stated that on the evening of the 12th July he was out in the garden with his daughters. He came in about 9.30 o’clock by the conservatory door. Wm. Barr, the footman, shut and bolted the door. About one o’clock a.m., he was awakened by a noise as of doors slamming. It was raining at the time. He sat up and listened, but heard nothing further, dozed off to sleep. Soon after 3 o’clock a.m he heard a shuffling noise on the stairs, and somebody came quietly down the passage and turned the handle of the door. He got up and took an Zulu knobkerrie off the wall and went up the stairs. The blinds were down, and the light was very uncertain. He saw a man standing on the top of the stairs, and ran to meet him, and told him that if he made any resistance he would smash his head into jelly. He caught hold of him and pinned him against the wall, then brought him downstairs by the collar, and rang the bell, but there was no answer. He then dragged him across the hall and called the butler, John Rogers. He (butler) came up, and we brought the prisoner up to show us where he got in. We found the conservatory door smashed, and drawers and writing table in the library burst open, also sideboard in the drawingroom. The bedrooms were all upturned. We then brought the prisoner downstairs and locked him up in a cellar. He sent for the police and had him arrested. He (prisoner) must have been several hours in the house, as his boots and clothes were perfectly dry.
   Accused was remanded to the Naas Petty Sessions on Monday Next.   

An article from the Kildare Observer regarding the court case of an intruder found in the house of Colonel St. Leger Moore at Killashee, Naas.

[Compiled by Mario Corrigan; typed by Sarah Luttrell; edited by Niamh Mc Cabe]

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758