The Kildare Observer 2 January 1904

Death of a Crimean Veteran

We regret to record the death of Mr. Patrick Turner, of Naas, one of the few surviving Crimean veterans. Deceased, who had attained a ripe old age, took part in all the battles in the famous campaign of his regiment the 50th, or “Blind Half Hundred”. Mr. Turner was granted a modest pension on being invalided, but on being medically certified as fit for work, that small emolument was taken from him. Of a quiet, retiring disposition, Mr. Turner was seldom, if ever, found to talk of the stirring events of his military career. He peacefully passed away on Christmas morning. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place in the Old Abbey church yard on Sunday last.

Re-typed from the original by Roisin Brannock

Note: The 50th Regiment of Foot (West Kent Regiment) were stationed in Egypt in 1799 where they suffered badly with opthalmia (eye inflammation), earning the nickname the ‘Blind Half-Hundred’.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758