Kildare Observer 25/08/1906
Children’s Fete at Moore Abbey
On Saturday afternoon the Earl and Countess of Drogheda entertained the children and parents of St. John’s Parish, Monasterevan, to a tea party, and a very enjoyable evening’s amusement. On the lawn in front of the court were laid many and lengthy tables, beautifully decorated and provided with every good thing to please the taste of the youngsters and their parents, all of whom were most generously provided for. A number of varied coloured flags, joined with the dresses of the ladies and children, served to beautify the lawn, the scene being a very animated one when all were assembled to do justice to the good things provided. The guests were looked after by the Countess of Drogheda, Lady B. Moore, Mrs. Smithwick, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Borrowes, and the Rev. Canon and the Rev. Fritz Smithwick, Mr. Borrowes, Mr. Brooks etc. To add to the enjoyment of the evening, the weather was gloriously fine, and everything helped to make the fete the entire success it was. After the tea was partaken of the rest of the evening was given over to all sorts of amusements, nothing being left undone to please the visitors. Swings, Aunt Sallys, see-saws, and boating on the river were part of the games enjoyed by the guests, while sporting events were provided for those wishing to take part in them, and for which liberal prizes were given by Lord Drogheda. All the events were run in heats owing to the number of contestants taking part. Football matches were also indulged in. In connection with the fete was the distribution of prizes to the successful children of the Scriptural Bible classes, the examinations of which were held in June last. The following were the successful competitors in the sporting events:-
Potato Race (for boys over 11 years)-1st B. Edghill; 2nd Allen Edghill.
Under 11 years- Wm. Sunderland, 2nd A. Edghill
Girls over 11 years-1st L. Pilgrim; 2nd E. Lark
Girls under 11 years-1st Lillie Wright, 2nd, Adaline Clare.
100 Yards Boy’s Race (under 11 years)- 1st Thos. Hall, 2nd, H. Whiting
100 Yards (boys over 11 years)-1st A.Wright, 2nd. H. White
100 Yards (girls under 11 years)- 1st Ethel Warren, 2nd, Dolly Switzer.
100 Yards (girls over 11 years)-1st M. Jameson, 2nd, Emily Lark
Three-legged Race (boys)-1st, M. Tyrell and John James; 2nd C. Switzer and B. White.
Three-legged Race (girls)-1st D. Switzer and A. Clare; 2nd E. Lark and N. Switzer
100 yards (open)-1st, Timothy Sheehan; 2nd, Harry Storey.
Wheelbarrow Race (boys)-1st. A. Edghill and Mat. Tyrell; 2nd, B. Wright and B. White.
Thread Needle Race (juniors)-1st, Wm. Fitzpatrick and May Sunderland
Thread Needle Race (seniors)-1st Richd. Dowling and Rachel Worrell.
Egg and Spoon Race (boys)-1st, Allen Edghill (only one competitor finished).
Egg and Spoon Race (girls)-1st, Ethel Warren; 2nd, E. Wright.
On conclusion of the ports the Rev. Canon Smithwick invited all present to witness the distribution of the prizes. He said they had a very happy day, and they should all be very thankful to the Earl and Countess for providing them with such a treat. They would first distribute the prizes won by the children in June last, and the Countess of Drogheda had graciously consented to present the children with their gifts. The children had done very well. Out of 62 children who had stood the examination, they had received 24 first prizes, 13 seconds, and 17 certificates of merit, leaving only 8 failures. He (Rev. Canon Smithwick) thought this very creditable, especially in the infants’ class, as they brought off 17 first prizes. The infants did very well, and it was very encouraging, as they were the rising generation, and he hoped they would prove a credit to their king and country in the future (cheers).
The Countess then distributed the prizes to the children, saying a kindly word to each. Lord Drogheda then presented the prizes to the winners in the sporting events, and on conclusion the Rev. Canon Smithwick, in a few well-chosen words, thanked the Earl and Countess for their kindness, also Lady B. Moore; their only regret being the absence of Lord Moore. In conclusion, he called for three hearty cheers for the Earl, Countess, Lady B. and Lord Moore, which were responded to with enthusiasm. The Earl of Drogheda thanked all present for their hearty cheers, and dwelt on the very creditable performance of the children at the recent examinations, saying it should be very satisfactory to Canon Smithwick, their teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Borrowes, and the children’s parents. In conclusion he (the Earl) would ask for cheers for the Rev. Canon and Rev. Fritz Smithwick, who had worked so hard that day to make their sports and party such a decided success. The invitation was heartily responded to, and a most enjoyable day was brought to a close. In the evening the senior members enjoyed themselves dancing up to 10 p.m. when all left for their respective homes.

The Kildare Observer of August 1906 reports on a children’s fete held at Moore Abbey which was hosted by the Earl and Countess of Drogheda.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758