Obituaries, Week of July  18th 1953, Leinster Leader, July 18th 1953

Mr. Michael Lagrue, Caragh Road, Naas

Mr. Michael Lagrue, Caragh Road Naas, whose death has occurred was amongst the last of the old Dublin Fusiliers in Naas. A native of Co. Wicklow, he was a veteran of the 1914-18 war and had not been enjoying good health for years past. An amiable, good-natured man, he was popular with everyone in the town. To his sorrowing widow, sons and daughters, the deepest sympathy is extended.
The remains were removed to the Church of our Lady and St. David on Sunday evening last, and the funeral which took place to St. Corban’s Cemetery on Monday was very large and representative. The chief mourners were- Mrs. Elizabeth Lagrue (widow); Messrs Peter and Joseph (sons), Misses Anna May, Lily Margaret, Claire and Olive (daughters); Messrs. N. Lagrue, Peter Lagrue and James Lagrue (nephews).

Mr. Thomas Hughes, Athy

Mr. Thomas Hughes, Duke St., Athy, who died rather unexpectedly on Saturday at the age of 83 years, belonged to an old and highly esteemed local family. During his active years he owned and operated a barge on the Grand Canal and was noted for his honesty and straight dealing.
Some years ago he purchased a business premises in Duke St. He was respected by all classes. Messrs. Wm. Hughes, Duke St; Thomas Hughes, Stanhope St., and Edward Hughes, Woodstock St., Athy are sons. He was interred in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Athy. Rev. John McLaughlin, C.C. officiated at the graveside.

Mr. Thomas Martin, Newtown, Rathangan

Mr. Thomas Martin (71) Newtown, Rathangan, who died recently, was widely known and highly respected over a wide area. A fine type of Irishman, the late Mr. Martin came of a good farming stock, and was noted for his industry and his honest and upright character.
He was the father of a large family, four of his sons being stalwart pillars of Gaeldom in Kildare for over a quarter of a century. Best known of these are Messrs. Paddy and Thomas Martin, who played for the All Whites on many occasions. Paddy Martin guided the Rathangan club as Chairman and Secretary for a number of years and resigned only last year through ill-health. He played with the All-Whites when they lost to the All-Ireland to Kerry in 1931. John and Tommy Martin helped to win a Leader Cup game for Rathangan in 1938, and another son, Hames, also played for Rathangan. The football and athletic tradition of the Martin family is being kept alive by young Tommy Martin, a grandson of the deceased, who is an outstanding members of this year’s Kildare minor team. Three other grandsons play with the local schools’ team.
There was a very large and representative attendance at the funeral to Rathangan cemetery. Mr. Liam Geraghty, Chairman of the Kildare County Board, represented the G.A.A. The chief mourners were-Mrs. Rose Ann Martin (widow), Misses Mary and Annie Martin, Mrs. MI Daly, Mullingar; Mrs. Rose Keogh Coolelan; Mrs. Margaret Delaney, Curragh (daughters), Messrs. Paddy, Thomas, James and Joe Martin (sons) and a large number of grand-children, cousins etc. Rev. T. Kennedy, C.C. Rathangan, officiated.

Obituaries of three Kildare men for the week of July 18th 1953, from the Leinster Leader of that date. Re-typed by Roy O’Brien and posted by James Durney. Our thanks to Roy.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
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