From printing at Naas to service in Vietnam

Leinster Leader 29 June 1968

On a three-weeks holiday in his native Naas is Petty Officer John O’Mahony, United States Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O’Mahony, New Row, now living in Dublin. Having served his apprenticeship to the printing trade in the “Leinster leader, Ltd.”, Mr. O’Mahony worked at his craft in printing houses and newspaper offices in Cork, Tralee and Dublin before emigrating to the United States in 1958. There he worked at his trade in New York and other cities until 1961 when he decided to make America the land of his adoption and enlisted in the Navy, since then he has had a life packed with variety and experiences.
 At the completion of his training at Great Lakes Training Centre, Illinois, he passed out as Honoursman of the Company and performed the first task assigned him so efficiently that he received a testimonial from the Commander of his squadron Amphibious Squadron Five. Of the four years served in the Navy, he spent three on service at Viet Nam in the course of which he had some thrilling experiences. Here again, in 1965, he received another recommendation for efficiency and in March 1966 he was again recommended.
 But all his work was not confined to naval routine and his service as a printer was called upon more than once and on each occasion received appreciation for excellence of quality and efficiency. The credit for this, he says, goes to “Leinster Leader, Ltd.”, because of the training he got there during his apprenticeship and the spirit of co-operation which existed.
 One of the recommendations refers to his “enduring efforts, co-operation and professional attitude in lending assistance in producing finished products of high quality when printing the operation orders …” while another stated: “On numerous occasions you were called upon by Commander Amphibious Squadron Five for the printing of priority operation orders. On each occasion you responded in an extremely competent manner, at times working round the clock to meet established datelines …”
 It states that as a direct result of his professional ability, co-operation and enthusiasm he contributed significantly to three code-named operations. After a number of difficult tests, Mr. O’Mahony gained promotion and after two years’ service reached the rank of Petty Officer, Second Class. Before he decided to apply for his discharge in 1965 he had been recommended for further promotion. On his discharge he was appointed to the Navy Department, Federal Civil Service, and is stationed at the Naval Air Base, North Island, San Diego, California. Six months ago he was elected Chairman of the Employees Council of the Navy Air Staff, a Federal Civil Servants organisation.
 He is holder of three medals – the National Defence Service medal; the Republic of Viet Nam Campaign medal and the Viet Nam medal, with three bronze bars. Mr. O’Mahony is grandson of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. Boyne, Basin Street, Naas.

An article from the Leinster Leader of 29 June 1968 on Naas man John O’Mahony, serving in the US Navy, on a hoilday trip home.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758