Leinster Leader 10 February 1951
Impressive funeral tribute
The late Mr. Myles Lawlor, Naas

We deeply regret to announce the death which took place on Friday last at his residence of Mr. Myles Lawlor, Mill House, Naas. Deceased had been in failing health for some time past, but his end, nevertheless, was unexpected and evoked widespread sympathy.
Aged about 70, Mr. Lawlor was a native of County Dublin, but early in the present century he purchased, together with his brother, the late Michael Lawlor, a farm at Johnstown, Kill, and was engaged at farming until sometime after his marriage, when his wife, Mrs. Bridget Lawlor, started in the catering business at Nas Na Riogh Hotel. This was around about 1913, and the venture was destined to be such a huge success that to-day the firm of Mrs. B. Lawlor and Son is a household word throughout the length and breadth of the land – in fact it is by a long way the premier concern of its time, noted everywhere for its efficient service and providing large scale and lucrative employment in Dublin and Naas.
Mr. Lawlor played his part in this great build-up, working as hard as any member of the staff, and discharging the duties for which he was specially suited.
It is not so much, however, for the eminent position which his firm attained in the commercial world, that the late Mr. Lawlor will be remembered in the years to come as for the kindly, gentle disposition that was his, and for his inoffensive, unobtrusive character. An unkind or uncharitable word about his neighbour would be contrary to every instinct of his nature, and the people, both rich and poor, generously testified to this on both last Friday and Sunday. He was not merely a popular, but a beloved figure in the town.
In the religious sphere he was a very sincere, humble Catholic, who always placed first things first, and when the final moment came it found him peacefully resigned to the Holy Will. The last rites were administered to him several times during his illness by Rev. G. Brophy, C.C.
We respectfully offer to his widow, Mrs. B. Lawlor, and his two sons, Mr. James Lawlor, Osberstown House, and Mr. Thomas Lawlor, Nas na Riogh Hotel, as well as all the other relatives, the expression of our deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement.
 The funeral
The funeral, which took place after last Mass on Sunday in the Church of Our Lady and St. David to St. Corban’s Cemetery, was one of the largest ever witnessed in the town. Not only from all parts of the County, but from all parts of Ireland, people came to pay a last tribute of respect to the deceased and to his widow and family.
The prayers leaving the Church, and later at the graveside, were recited by Very Rev. P. J. Doyle, P.P., Naas, assisted by Rev. C. Phelan, C.C., Naas; Very. Rev. Father Foynes, P.P., Kildare; Very Rev. Father Roche, S.J., Rector, Clongowes Wood College; Rev. Father McNally, C.C., Kill; Rev. Father Carey, C.C., Eadestown; Very Rev. Dr. Kevin, Maynooth College; Very Rev. Dr. Hamill, do., and Rev. G. Brophy, C.C., Naas.
The chief mourners were Mrs. B. Lawlor, (widow); Messrs. James and Thomas Lawlor (sons); Mrs. Violet Lawlor (daughter-in-law); Mrs. Whiteside and Miss Keely (sisters-in-law); Mr. Peter Keely (brother-in-law); Mr. Michael Conway, M.R.C.V.S.; Mrs. M. Conway, Mr. Anthony Lawlor, Miss Concepta Lawlor, Messrs. Denis, Joseph and Thomas Headon and P. Powers, Miss N. Whiteside and Mrs. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. P. Byrne (relatives).
In view of the immense proportions of the cortege, it would be impossible to give anything like a complete list of those present. All creeds and classes were represented, including various trade organisations from Dublin and elsewhere. The Government was represented by An Tanaiste, Mr. W. Norton; Mr. Liam Cosgrove, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Commerce, and Mr. Gerard Sweetman, T.D. Also present were: The McGillicuddy of the Reeks, Dr. Lyons Thornton, Capt. R. O’Sullivan (Army Medical Services), W. C. Kelly, Palmerstown; R. D. Fetherstonhaugh, J. Hogg, B. Roche, G. Morrin, M.R.C.V.S.; Dr. Murphy, Dr. W. McCarthy, Chief Medical Officer; Dr. McQuillian, Dr. Herlihy, Dr. Purcell, Dr. Fitsimons, Dr. Ryan, Dr. Bartley, P. P. Wilkinson, solicitor; R. Coonan, solicitor; F Wright, solicitor; P. Boland, solicitor; F. Murphy, solicitor (Kildare); M. Salmon, solicitor; A. Osborne, solicitor; A. MacMahon, solicitor; H. Farrell (Ballinagappa), P. Frayne, George Wardell, Col. J. Slattery, Col. McGuinness, Capt. Armstrong, David Lalor, J. Keely, James Byrne (Kilcullen), T. Byrne, do.; M. Fitzsimons (Chairman Urban Council), John Lawler, U.D.C.; P. Cox (Newbridge), Joseph Osborne, Joseph Gorry, John Gorry and the Misses Gorry, Mr. O’Brien, Manager Munster and Leinster Bank, Naas; T. Dowling, U.D.C.; P. Broe, T. Fletcher, Joseph Kavanagh, Chief Superintendent O’Driscoll, Superintendent G. O’Flynn, W. Kehoe (Carlow), Brian King, James Lawler (Dublin), Dr. Connolly, C. O’Neill, A. H. Whiteside, Rev. Brother Ryan, Superior, Christian Brothers Schools; Dr. O’Reilly (Kilcock), Gregory Byrne (Ballymore-Eustace), Ted O’Connor (Boston), M. Purcell, M.A., L.L.B., solicitor; D.J. Purcell, Peter Canning, solicitor, James Dargan, solicitor; Peter Coonan, T. Brady, L. Masterson, P. O’Sullivan (Dentist), Dr. Boylan, M. J. J. Whelan, T. Flangan, L. Fullam, J. Mullaney, Secretary County Council; J. J. Mullowney, C.E.O., Kildare Vocational Committee; Mr. john O’Neill (Newbridge), Mr. W. Carter, etc., etc.
 Messages of sympathy
Hundreds of Mass cards and messages of sympathy were received by the family of deceased. The messages of sympathy included ones from the Lord Abbot of Mount Melleray, An Tanaiste, the Rector of Clongowes Wood College, Sir John Esmonde, T.D.; Rev. Father Kearney, C.C.; the Minister for Justice and Mrs. McEoin, the Minister for Industry and Commerce, Mr. Morrissey; the Minister for Education, Mr. R. Mulcahy; Mr. W. T. Cosgrove, Mr. L. Cosgrove, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Commerce; Rev. Father Perrot, Clongowes wood College; Rev. Father Green, D. P. Connolly, T.D.; Dr. O’Donel Browne and Mrs. Grace Browne.
 Naas Council’s sympathy
At the meeting of the Naas Urban Council on Tuesday night, Mr. M. J. O’Donoghue proposed a resolution of sympathy with Mr. James Lawlor, their esteemed colleague, on the great loss he had sustained by the death of his father, Mr. Myles Lawlor. The Lawlor family, added Mr. O’Donoghue, was a great asset to the town, and they were held in the highest regard and popularity not only in Naas, but throughout the county and over the whole country. He was very sorry to learn of Mr. Lawlor’s death, and he trusted that the Council’s sincere expression of regret would be some consolation to the family in their sad trial.
Mr. Tom Dowling, seconding the resolution, said that the passing of Mr. Myles Lawlor removed one of the old and honoured links with the town. Mr. Lawlor had reached a good age, but nevertheless they all deeply regretted that his end should come so soon, and he extended to Mr. James Lawlor, their colleague, and to the other members of the family his sympathy in their sad bereavement.
The other members concurred, and the vote was passed in respectful silence.

A Leinster Leader article from 10 February 1951 on the passing of Myles Lawlor, of Johnstown

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758