Freemans Journal, Wednesday Dec. 30, 1835

In compliance with requisition, bearing the signatures of the Hon. F.Ponsonby, Edward Ruthven, ESQ., M.P., J.P.,.R. Dease, Esq. J.P., W.H. Mansfield, Esq,. J.P. Michael Sweetman, Esq. J.P., and a host of respectable gentlemen and farmers, a meeting of the parishes of Naas, Newbridge, Clane, Rathcoffey, Kill, Lyons, Eadstown, Caragh and Downings, was held at Naas upon Saturday, the 26th instant, to take into consideration the propriety of petitioning parliament in favour of a provision for the poor of Ireland, and against the continuance of the tithe system. At a vastly numerous and most respectable meeting of the districts convened, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: –
Moved by William Graydon, Esq.; seconded by C. Flood, Esq: that ALEXANDER MANSFIELD, Esq., do take the Cahir
Proposed by Mr. W. Wilson; secpmded by Mr. P. Farrell: that Patrick Nolan, Esq., be requested to act as Secretary to the meeting.
Proposed by Thomas Coates, Esq., of Staplestown: seconded by Mr. Thomas Headon: Resolved – That the present system of tithes, and their application in Ireland, are justly considered by the great majority of people to be hateful and odious marks of national degradation, unjust in principle and harassing in operations; and that we are determined to use every legal and constitutional means in our power to procure their abolition.
Proposed by Mr. Edward Flood; seconded by Mr. James McAuliffe: Resolved – That we deem the high church party to be a faction which no compromise can be made, and we trust that hisMajesty’s Ministers will, in the next session of parlimanet, deem it their duty to augment their demands for Reform, in proportion to the obstinacy of the resistance offered to them.
Proposed by Walter Henry Mansfield, Esq. J.P., of Yeomanstown house; seconded by Mr. R. Fagan: Resolved – That this meeting do petition both Houses of Parliament in favour of a speedy and radical reform of all abuses connected wit the temporalities of the Established Church, and particularly in favour of relieving Catholics and Dissenters from the burden of supporting a Church, in the doctrines of which they cannot conscientiously agree. .
Proposed by John Alexander Mansfield, of Yeomanstown house; seconded by Gerald Aylmer, Esq., of Panestown: Resolved – That we can no longer regard with apathy or indifference the miserable condition of our starving and naked Poor, deprived, as they have been, of the means originally provided for them by the laws of justice and charity, We, therefore, deem it an imperative duty to implore the legislature to provide such legal provision as well, allay the appalling sufferings of afflicted humanity in this hitherto neglected and impoverished land
Proposed by Mr. R. White; seconded by B. Dunne, Esq,: Resolved – That we regret to state that the number of poor and unemployed is of late greatly increased, and that the evils which we deplore consequently alarmingly augmented – and that the cruel system inhumanly acted upon by many landlords, who from political rancour or other motives equally reprehensible, turn on the world mulitidues of every age and sex, has been a principal means of producing misfortunes of which we complain.
Proposed by James Fizgerald, Esq., of Nurney; seconded by James Fegan: Resolved – That we feel is a pleasure as a well as a duty to offer the tribute of our heartfelt thanks to this Majesty’s Ministers, for the proof they have given of the interest which they feel in the peace and good order of this heretofore distracted land, by sending to preside over it as viceroy, a Nobleman not less distinguishable from his liberality, urbanity and politeness, than for his wisdom, humanity and justice.
Proposed by Edward Nolan, Esq., of Leinster Mills; seconded by Mr. O’Callaghan: Resolved – That we would cease to consider ourselves worthy of the name of Irishmen, if we could prove so ungrateful as to forget the debt of gratitude which we owe our illustrious countryman Daniel O’Connell, for his increasing exertions to promote the interests and advance the happiness of his ill fated and persecuted country.
Petitions in favour of poor laws and against the tithe system having been agreed to by the meeting, G. Aylmer proposed, and the resolution having been seconded, that Alexander Mansfield, Esq., do leave the chair, and that William Graydon, Esq, of Kilashee, be called hereto.
The thanks of the meeting having been returned to Alexander Mansfield, Esq, for his becoming conduct in the chair, the meeting separated peaceably, having in the course of the proceedings given [?] for the Lord Lieutenant; and three cheers for Daniel O’Connell.
William Graydon, Second Chairman
Patrick Nolan, Secretary

Article typed up by Daniel Rafferty.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758