Athy Community Library: a Celebration 1965-2025

When St. Dominic’s Catholic Church was dedicated on St. Patrick’s Day 1965 it was headlined as ‘one of the most modern churches in Ireland’. The prior, Belfastman Fr. Philip Pollack, O.P., was determined to engage with modern church design by taking the principles of Vatican II boldly forward. Architect was John Thompson & Partners, Limerick, while the building contractor was James Geraghty, Ltd., of Celbridge. Sculptor and woodcarver Brid Ní Rinn, of Downings, Prosperous, carved the oak crucifix which hung above the High Altar. The new church was blessed and opened by Very Rev. L. C. Coffey, Provincial of the Dominican Order (founded by St. Dominic, the Order of Preachers, is commonly known as the Dominican Order). St. Dominic’s served the community of Athy and South Kildare for half a century until the last mass was said on the site in 2015. The church was subsequently deconsecrated, ending 700 years of Dominican association with Athy.
Kildare County Council took ownership of the church, and the iconic building underwent a major redevelopment under the Library Capital Investment Programme. Athy Community Library was officially opened by Michael Ring, Minister for Rural & Community Development, on 4 May 2018, although the doors had been open for business since March. By the time of its official opening 20,000 people had already stepped inside Athy Community Library to avail of its services. County Librarian Marian Higgins welcomed all to the official opening surrounded by staff and well-wishers, including the Mayor of Kildare, Martin Miley, former deputy Jack Wall and Kildare South T.D., Martin Heydon.
Recognising the importance of the new library for Athy, Minister Ring said, ‘The library has been designed to meet the significant and diverse needs of the citizens of Athy and the surrounding areas and will act as a hub of educational, cultural information resources and civic engagement. This wonderful facility realises the potential and promise of a modern evolving library service and, as times have changed, libraries and library staff have been to the forefront embracing this change.’
Thanks to Colm Walsh, Ann Kearney, and Kevin Berney. Image courtesy: Peadar Doogue, 2021.
1965 – Library, Former St. Dominic’s Church, Athy, Co Kildare
100 Buildings: Athy Library – an ode to joyous architecture