LEINSTER LEADER 6 December 1913

Athy Man’s Death in America

The people of Athy learned with regret this week of the death which occurred recently in America of Mr. J. W. Rawson, who will be remembered by the older generation in the district as one of the most popular officials that ever lived in Co. Kildare. He was a surveyor in the county and possessed a large amount of property and land near the Bleach Yard before leaving Ireland. An American Exchange to hand says – Our city was shrouded in sorrow by the announcement that Mr. J. W. Rawson, the well known county surveyor of Graham county had passed away at his home near Morland after a brief illness. James William Rawson was born July 24th 1842, in Stanhope Street, Athy, County Kildare, Ireland, was married to Helen B. Lawlor at Athy, March 26th 1867, came to Graham county, Kansas, in 1885 where he had since resided. Mr. Rawson was the father of eight children, five of whom together with their mother, long since answered the final summons, the survivors are; William A., John J. and Robert L. all of whom were at their father’s side when the end came 23rd October 1913, aged 71 years 2 months and 29 days.

We know of no resident of Western Kansas who was held in higher esteem than the subject of this sketch. He was several times elected to the office of county surveyor of Graham county and we think was holding that position at the time of his death. In the capacity of Surveyor, Mr. Rawson was called to Sheridan county many times to settle line disputes and in this manner he built up a large circle of friends in our county who will learn with keen regret of his death. Mr. Rawson was a lifelong Episcopalian, and the funeral was conducted according to the ritual of that church at Studley in the Methodist Church. In the absence of a minister of that faith D. C. Kay of Morland, read the service and Rev. Father Weher, of St. Peter, a personal friend of the deceased, delivered a short eulogy. The Studley choir assisted with appropriate music and Miss Kate Armstrong rendered a beautiful solo, after which the body was laid to rest beside the wife in the Studley cemetery. The funeral was attended by all of Mr. Rawson’s brother county officials of Graham county and a large gathering of friends from both Sheridan and Graham counties. Card of Thanks – To the kind friends who were of such great assistance and comfort to us during the illness and death of our beloved father we extend thanks from the innermost recesses of our hearts. – Wm. A. Rawson, John J. Rawson, Robert. L. Rawson.

Re-typed by Jennifer O’Connor

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758