Cathedral of St Brigid (E-Book)

The short pamphlet re-produced below ‘Cathedral of Saint Brigid‘ , originally published in 1878, outlined the beginning of the restoration works on the ancient Cathedral of Kildare, begun in 1875. The architect George Edmund Street who reported on the ruins in Kildare also worked on the restoration of Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin.

It is a reminder, that from ruin and despair come great things.



St. Brigid , patroness of Ireland, Mary of the Gael, was remembered in verse by Paddy McCormack

Leinster Leader 2 February 1941

Feast of St. Brigid
February 1st

Oh dear St. Brigid hear our call,
And guard our native isle,
In olden days you spread the light
Of love o’er the soil,
Your mission full of ardent love,
With pleadings did not fall,
And ever shall thy memory live,
As Mary of the Gael.

How oft you prayed with fervent hope
To save our native land,
The fire of Faith you kindled here,
By a heavenly breeze was fanned,
Thy earthly life our guiding star,
A beacon of light to all
Fond patroness of Erin’s Isle,
You heard the plaintive call.

Tho’ years have flown O Glorious Saint,
Since you trod the Emerald Isle,
The hills and pleasant valleys,
Seem acalling all the while.
Come dwell again O Brigid true.
Amidst the scenes so fair,
Where first thy virtues flourished
From thy Convent at Kildare.

The Irish race O faithful Queen,
Shall ever breathe thy name,
With Patrick’s aid Apostle true,
Our land shall rise to fame.
And when all earthly things shall end,
We pray our trials are o’er,
To meet our Glorious Irish Saint,
Yes meet to part no more.


Poem by Paddy McCormack of Kildare Town dedicated to St. Brigid, to commemorate St. Brigid’s Day, 1st February. The McCormack family have long been in business in Kildare Town and Paddy McCormack, who was well known for his poems and songs throughout Ireland and the US, is buried in Lackagh Cemetery.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758