December 1812

The following notice was published in issues of the Freeman’s Journal during the month of December, 1812.

NOTICE is hereby given, that Proposals, in writing, will be received in this Office, on or before the 7th day of January next, for erecting a Cavalry Barrack at New Bridge, in the County of Kildare, and for an Infantry Barrack contiguous to the City of Kilkenny, according to plans, specifications, and instructions, to be seen at this Office from ten until four o’clock each day.
Each Proposal to be sealed, and put under cover, directed to Major General Freeman, and endorsed "Proposals for building a Barrack at New Bridge," or "at Kilkenny," as the case may be.
Security will be required for the due performance of the Contracts of the respective Barracks mentioned; and no Proposal will be attended to, unless from respectable professional builders, and accompanied by the written assent of two solvent persons, fully competent to become the Proposer’s Sureties.
By order,


20th, December 1862


A superbly got up bazaar, in aid of the distressed operatives in Lancashire, was held yesterday (Friday) at Monasterevan, under the patronage of the Marchioness of Drogheda. Mrs Moore, West End, acted as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. The tables were kept by Mrs Weeble, Miss Moore, Mrs Moore, Miss Cassidy, Miss Fleming, Miss Wray. Our reporter being obliged to leave by the 2.20 train owing to our hour of publication, we cannot lay before our readers the names of the ladies and gentlemen who attended. We must, however, mention that his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant was expected and also the Marquis and Marchioness of Drogheda, and Lord Naas. There was present when our reporter left, a very large number of the elite of the Queen’s County and County Kildare, and many, it was believed, would arrive in the course of the day. Large purchases were made at the tables, which were all beautifully filled. Raffles for some exquisite articles took place for which a great number of tickets were sold. The proceeds are expected to be considerable.


December 1862

The following advertisement appeared in the Christmas Eve edition of the Irish Times and points to a most generous and seasonal spirit at work – above stairs.

LAUNDRESS, or Laundress and Housemaid – A Lady is anxious to procure a situation as above for a young Woman of excellent character; she is most obliging, and knows her business thoroughly; will be highly recommended by the lady she is leaving, but with whom she remains until she gets a situation. Address X Y Z, Post office, Athy.


27th, December 1862


Last week, the Marquis and Marchioness of Drogheda entertained a large and distinguished circle of guests at Moore Abbey, County Kildare, among whom were ― His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, and the Misses Lascelles, Lord James Butler and Lady Rachel Butler, Viscount Castlecuffe, Lord and Lady Naas, and the Hon. Dermot Burke, Hon. Spencer and Mrs. Ponsonby, and Mr. J. Ponsonby, Hon. Frederick Ponsonby, Major and Hon. Mrs. Bagot, Miss Fortescue, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, and the Misses Moore (Moorefield); Mrs. and Miss White and Captain (Woodlands); Colonel Frazer, Major Reilly, C.B.; Captain A. Ellis, Captain W. Moore, A.D.C.; Colonel Forster, A.D.C.; Mr E. S. Hartopp, Captain Everard.
His Excellency arrived from Belfast on Thursday, attended by Colonel Forster, A.D.C., and Mr Everard, on which evening the annual theatricals took place. The following is the programme:―
"Who Speaks First?" (a comedy in one act, by Charles Dance, Esq.) ― Mrs Militant, Marchioness of Drogheda; Smart, Hon. Mrs Bagot, (her first appearance here); Ernest Militant, Marquis of Drogheda; Captain Charles, Hon. S. Ponsonby; Potter, Hon. F. Ponsonby.
This was followed by "Pleasant Dreams" (a farce in two acts, by Charles Dance, Esq.) ― Mrs Porridge (Landlady of the Crown Inn, Cowes), Lady Rachel Butler (her first appearance here); Sally (chambermaid), Mrs J. C. Moore; Oliver Sanguine (dreaming the happy hours away), Hon. S. Ponsonby, Mr Biggs (his uncle), Mr E. S. Hartopp; Mr Porridge (landlord), Hon. F. Ponsonby; Peter (his son), Marquis of Drogheda; Boots, Captain W. Everard; Waiter, Viscount Castlecuffe; Ostler, Captain Ellis; boy, Mr J. Ponsonby.
The performances concluded with "Ticklish Times" (a farce in one act by J. M. Morton, Esq.) ― Mr William Ramsay (a Jacobite leader), Captain A. Ellis; Lancelot Griggs (Deputy Assistant-Deputy Justice of the Peace), Captain W. Everard; Bodkins (his uncle), Marquis of Drogheda; Jansen (a smuggler), Mr E. S. B. Hartopp; Constables, Messrs. Takemup and Takemdown; Mob, Hon. Dermot Bourke, Mr J. Ponsonby, Messrs. Tag, Rag, and Bobtail; Mrs Griggs, Mrs J. C. Moore; Winifred, Hon. Mrs G. Bagot; Dot, (maid of all works), Lady Rachel Butler.
The hope held out by the bill of a delightful evening was fully realised, for never were pieces better put upon the stage. The mise en scene was perfect, the services of Messrs. Baker and John White, the scenic artists, as well as of Miss Scalter and Mr Lenox, the talented dressers, having been most successfully brought into requisition for the occasion. The pieces went well, so well that we will not attempt to draw a comparison between them. The parts also were all well filled, and we should pause in making any further comment on them, were it not that we feel bound to notice the "first appearance here," which certainly gave additional sustenance to the previously strong cast of the pieces. Among them, on lady in particular, who, it was rumoured, made her first appearance on any stage, acted admirably. The performances concluded with the National Anthem, sung by the company; and in addition a verse in honour of his Royal Highness.
On Friday evening the noble Marchioness entertained about 200 of the gentry of the county of Kildare and neighbouring counties. Dancing commenced about half-past 10, and was kept up to an early hour on the following morning, to the enlivening strains of Hanlon’s band.
Among those present were ― The Lady Cloncurry, Baron and Baroness De Robeck, Lady Barbara  Leeson and Hon. H. Leeson, Major and Hon. Mrs Barton, Lord Earlsford, Hon. Mr., Mrs., and Miss King Harmon; Sir Thomas and the Misses Ross, Hon. Mr Burne, Hon. J. Bourke, Mr and Mrs Deane, Mr and Mrs Wakefield, Mr and Mrs Skeffington Smith, Mr and Mrs H. Trench, General and Mrs Gordon, Mr and Mrs Bulwer, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Armstrong; Captain and Mrs Tuthill, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Tynte, Mr and Mrs R. Moore, Mr and Mrs Cole, Mr and Mrs Kennedy, Mr and Mrs Carroll, Mr and Mrs Langrishe, Mr and the Misses Nugent, Mr and Mrs Wray, Mr Carroll, M.P.; Captain Beresford, A.D.C.; Mr Corry Connellan, Mr Stannus, Captain Moore, Mr H. Despard, &c.


14th, December 1912



On 31st December, 1912.
All the latest Pictures up-to-date; also American Illustrated Songs.

On 1st January, 1913.
The Best Talent in Dublin has been secured for the Concert.

Doors Open each Night at 7:30 pm.
Admission to Cinematograph – 1s and 6d.
Admission to Concert – 2s and 1s.


14th, December 1912

An event, which in recent years has been awaited with keen interest in and around Naas, will take place on New Year’s Night next. The Naas Commercial Dance will be held that night, and some 400 invitations have been issued by the Committee, whose experience in the working of a dance leaves nothing to be desired and whose intention this year is to eclipse any previous effort. Mr W. Monahan and his band of six musicians, who have been playing with marked success in Dublin this year, have been engaged for the night. Those wishing to hear extra good music will find all they desire this particular occasion. Acceptances should reach Mr. L. J. Curley, hon. sec., on or before the 24th instant.


December 1912

The following light-hearted article appeared in the Kildare Observer on 28th December, 1912. Fun was had by all!

Newbridge Military Mems.

As usual the season of peace and goodwill was observed with all due solemnity and with equal due realisation. Perhaps nowhere at the present time can you find the old realisations of Christmas festivities as we read of them more vividly presented than with the genial "Tommy Atkins," who at all times care free at this season is the embodiment of all that is hospitable and characteristic of Ye Good Old Merry Xmas. In Newbridge Barracks there was no departure from the good old customs, of good cheer all round, and a glance at the sergeants’ messes of the Royal Horse and Field Artillery, recreation rooms and other equally inviting scenes at once convinced that there was a whole-hearted spirit of full enjoyment and full appreciation of the best traditions of the happy season on all sides apparent. Another noteworthy feature was the happy co-mingling of the peaceful non-combatant with the man of arms ― perfect fraternity prevailing on all sides.
Boxing Day was specially set apart after all the other seasonable indoor amusements for a novel display of football in which the Gunners and Drivers of the Royal Horse and Field Artillery were the combatants. Mr. Champion, whose name is synonym with all that is sporting in the garrison, was the leading light, and this gentleman, whose musical proclivities are too well known in military circles to be commented on here, was instrumental in providing a rare and unique treat for his many civilian and military friends.
Clinton’s field was the venue, and by 2:30 p.m. the scene was one of bustle and animation, when the referee, Mr. Champion, departed from the usual everyday routine of the common whistle, enticed the players on to the playing pitch by the irresistable strains of a melodeon, which proved an eloquent substitute.
The teams, who were aptly dubbed the "Non-intoxicant" members of the Garrison Canteen, and appeared in divers non-football costumes, foremost in the fighting line appeared Driver Campbell in an up-to-date replica of Jack Johnson, the coloured champion of unenviable fame.
Driver Allen was duly encased in a spacious sack, which showed off his athletic frame to the best possible advantage. Gunner "Deuce" Gregg looked extra special in old gold, followed by Gunner Jack Hodge in khaki. Driver "Smut" Ingram, who was custodian for the horsey men, was encumbered by an over-anxious tendency for the spectators on the side line, and during one of his temporary excursions to look after civilian friends had the chagrin to see his charge wrecked when he returned to take charge of the sticks, and on another occasion when similarly bent unfortunately met the innocent leather half-way, thereby receiving a dent on his nasal organ, which was a source of much inconvenience to the goalie for the remainder of the session.
The referee in pyjamas, despite not having been disturbed from a Christmas mid-night vigil, was very much awake, and on one occasion had to use his musical and exhortive powers in no small measure to keep the champion coloured boxer from disrupting the inoffensive leather to such a degree as would necessarily have caused a postponement of this most enjoyable sporting display.
Driver Connelly was another who, attired in a rather unconventional hobble, played up splendidly under very dispiriting circumstances, while Gunner Gregg had some difficulty in keeping from contact with the goal bar. Considering that his height runs nearly 7ft., it was rather an awkward position to be placed in.
"Taffy" Jones was another bright star in the firmament, and Archie Campbell was also well in the limelight, albeit he was burdened with a little too much head-gear.
Speculation was brisk as to the outcome, the fair sex of whom there was a number present, evidently favouring the Gunners, who, despite the fairest blandishments and encouragement, had to succumb to the Drivers by two clear goals.
Drivers ― Ingram, Brooks, Burry, Attwood, Allen, H. Oliver, Neill, Lalley, Campbell, Bond, Gilliam.
Gunners ― Gregg, Dunnella, Crowther, Kennywell, Hughes, Davis, Hobbins, Welch, Gammon, Jones, Clarke.


A series of Christmas articles from the Freeman’s Journal, Leinster Leader, Leinster Express, Kildare Observer and Irish Times, researched and re-typed by Chris Holzgräwe

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758