Leinster Leader 26 December 1964
Co. Kildare actor to see troops

SIR – I am an Irish actor/writer who – while achieving some success abroad – have yet to perform in my native country. (Live that is. I have acted in numerous Hollywood television shows and films which were subsequently aired over Telefis Eireann and the BBC).
When I emigrated from Ireland (Newbridge) five years ago I had never acted or written a serious line in my life. It was only after I landed in California that I discovered my talents lay in this direction.
I am returning to Ireland to spend Christmas with my parents who live in Kilcullen.
My younger brother is the jockey Dick Wixted, recent winner at Navan.
Combining business with pleasure I hope to obtain some material and facts for my forthcoming script – “A Time Out of Battle” a 90 minute “Special” to be broadcast nationwide under the auspices of the United Nations.
My story deals mainly with the Irish troops who fought under the U.N. banner in the Congo – the lamentable ambushes, the massacre of priests and nuns. During my stay I hope to meet with men of the Congo campaign.
Last week, I completed filming on a Metro-Goldwyn Meyer Television series, Combat – which I also had the pleasure of writing – double treat. Titled, “In Dark and Secret Ways,” is the tale of a German officer who masquerades as a priest to pass through enemy lines.
Listed prominently among the gifts I will be bringing to my family will be a print of a recent featurette – in which I starred in the leading role – titled, “The War of Fr. David.” Produced by The Hour of Saint Francis Company for the CBS and NBC networks it is, briefly, the story of a young Irish-American priest who is captured by Chinese communists, suspected of espionage, tortured, and, after being granted permission to say a last Mass, is executed.
I have secured permission from the producing company of the film for it to be aired over Telefis Eireann if they should so desire.
It might interest you to know that there are two newstands on Hollywood Boulevard where two-week-old copies of your newspaper can be bought – price 25 cents. Thanks for keeping us exiles in touch.


[Kildare native James L. Wixted, actor/writer, is the father of actor Michael James Wixted.]

A letter from Hollywood-based Kildare native James L. Wixted to the Leinster Leader 26 December 1964

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
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