The Nationalist and Leinster Times 5 JANUARY 1918


Amongst the latest list of military awards for bravery on the field the name of Corporal Patk. Owens. 2nd R.I. Rifles, figures as recipient of the military medal. Corporal Owens, who is a native of Kilberry, Athy, joined the Rifles in February, 1916, and after training in Belfast, where he got his first stripe, he went to France early in December of the same year, winning his second stripe shortly after landing. He has since, says a correspondent, seen uninterrupted active service, and taken part in the various heavy encounters with the enemy, always escaping unscathed. The conferring of the military medal on Corperal Owens comes as a welcome surprise to his relatives and friends, and they all wish this young soldier of nineteen years a continuance of the good look and success which has been his lot since he first donned khaki.

Amongst the names in the list of soldiers recently wounded are those of Lance-Corporal Fennelly (Athy) and Private J. Ward (Ballickmoyler), both of the Leinster Regiment.


Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758