Kildare Observer 22nd October 1932
Kildare Observer, October 22nd 1932
Historical Retrospect
(Continued from last Week)
In 1923 the club lost a very keen member, Capt. S.G. Williams, donor of the now well-known Williams Jug, who left Ireland. He was missed in every field of sport in the country. As a tribute to his services to sport he was elected an honorary member of the County Kildare Golf Club. He is the first member on whom this honour has been conferred. In this year also a very substantial sum of money was placed at the disposal of the club by Mr. William Kennedy, Main Street, Naas, and it was decided to apply it in improving the entrance to the links by erecting gate piers and side walks for which the late Mr. Valentine provided a good iron gate.
For the following year Mr. J. Rorke who at present acts as hon. Secretary, was elected captain, and for 1925 Mr. E. S. Dowling, the duties of green steward being taken over by the Rev. Chancellor Clover. In this year members of the community of Clongoweswood College, among whom there were some keen golfers, were admitted to membership for an inclusive fee. In 1926, when Mr. D McGuirke was captain, it was decided that in order to relieve Mr. McCann, whose duties had increased very much since he was appointed 23 years before, the post of hon. secretary and treasurer be divided, and Mr. J. Barry Browne was appointed hon. treasurer, a post which he still holds
Mr. M Quinn was captain for 1927 and Mr. L. Lambe was appointed hon. auditor, vice Mr. J. E. Hollinsworth who left to take up an appointment in Dublin, while Mr. E. Kennedy succeeded Rev. Chancellor Clover as green steward. At this annual meeting it was decided to make application, which was subsequently granted, that the Golf Club be registered under the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, and Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1922, the intoxicants to be only supplied at the Club House on such days as were authorised by the Executive Committee of the Club. In 1928, when Mr. W. Kennedy was captain, the club lost two of its founders, Mr. Mansfield, its president, and Mr. E.L. Gray. The latter from whose scrap book and notes on every domain of sport in the county, the writer has obtained his material for an account of the C.K.C., was very popular and well known throughout the length and breadth of County Kildare. The death of two such members dealt a serious blow to the fortunes of the club.
Mr. Mansfield’s place as President of the club was taken by Mr. J. Sweetman, D.L., Longtown Sallins, who has worthily upheld the tradition of his predecessor. The prize which he presents annually is one of the big events in the life of the club. For 1929 Mr. J. Cunningham acted as captain, for 1930, Mr. T. Langan; for 1931, Mr. S. Curry, during whose year of office a most successful sweepstake on the Grand National was organised by Mr. M. Quinn. The proceeds, some £176, was devoted partly towards balancing the finances of the club and in part to the erection of a suitable annex to the club house consisting of bar and sitting room.
Ever since the death of Mr. E. I. Gray who always kept local interest in the club alive by reports to the press of every competition played, a certain lack of interest a kind of sleepy sickness, seemed to have descended on the club. The desperate and unaided efforts of the captains to revive some interest among the members did not meet with the success it deserved. The failure was mainly due to the fact that advertisement in the form of press reports was not forthcoming. Be the cause what it may, it was realised by the members at the annual meeting in November, 1931, that the club was in a moribund condition, and that unless they bestirred themselves to its further existence was likely to be brief. The condition of the rough had become so intolerable that it was impossible to round without loosing several golf balls. It was decided to obviate this condition by altering the terms of the lease so as to obtain full power to cut the rough when ever necessary. This had proved to be a most beneficial measure, as the rough is now maintained in such a condition as to penalise a bad shot, yet light enough for finding a ball. There remained, however the question of the lack of interest and spirit de corps, which was plain to everybody. The honour of solving it belongs to the captain for this year of grace, Mr. Wm. O’Brien, of the Munster and Leinster Bank, Naas and we shall conclude our account of the history of the club by describing how he did it for the edification of all future captains. With sociable feeling between all members, male and female, his objective, he has promoted a series of mixed foursomes competitions which have met with a phenomenal success, to such an extent that these have now become an established feature in the club. Some of these competitions were open to other clubs and were just as successful as those confined to members. In open competitions for men the method of personal approach and appeal was adopted, cards of invitation being sent to every golfer within reasonable distance. All club competitions were reported in the press, being warmly welcomed by the local paper, the “Leinster Leader.” The result of such activity is astounding. Entries for competitions organised by the captain and his assistance, excluding the fine entries for club events, have so far amounted to 464 of which 101 came from outside clubs. This is a record unequalled by any club in the country. Finally, considerable local interest has been aroused by the activity of the club, and club competitions and matches are beginning to attract large galleries of non-golfers. After being the Cinderella of the realm of sport, the County Kildare Golf Club once more has regained its former proud position.
(The End.)
Club mixed foursomes – M. Clarson and Miss, Dwyer, 69; W. O’Brien and Miss A. Meagher, 69½; M. Quinn and Miss R. Meagher 71.

The fourth and final article taken from the Kildare Observer October 1932 on the history of the County Kildare Golf Club…Our thanks to Roy O’Brien

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758