Researched by
Col. William H. Gibson (retd.)
Donated on 5 Aug. 2008
PRO N.I. – T106/6/62 Petition to Lord Lieutenant
1730, April 6 :  Petition of Robert Bulkeley, New Ross Co. Wexford. Petitioner is a schoolmaster, seeks to obtain a lease of the tithes (value £100) of the Parish of Naas, Co. Kildare, which titles have been leased by CHARLES RYVES, son of Sir Richard Ryves, to petitioners father. Petitioner’s mother had married one Henry Bellwood who had disposed of the lease.
Belfast Newsletter 21 Aug 1753
Within a few days the Kilcock rioters have been taken and sent to Naas jail.
Belfast Newsletter 10 Jul 1754
Dublin  Jun 7.  We hear from Portarlington in the queen’s County that notwithstanding 0the proclamation lately issued by their Excellencies the Lords Justices against the rioters at Kilcock, several persons assembled themselves in the said town last week and in a riotous and tumultuous manner broke down the ditches of several parcels of land to the great loss of the owners thereof, under the pretence of the same having been commons.
Last Wednesday John Commons the elder and John Roach a Petty Constable, two of the Killcock (sic) rioters, were taken at Manooth (sic) by Richard Cane of Laribryan Esq., and yesterday they were committed to the jayl (sic) of Naas, and it is hoped that many others will soon be taken, to put an end to their unwarrantable and riotous proceedings.
Belfast Newsletter 1 Mar 1754
Naas. Feb 24. Last night on Smith, a waiter at Mr. Broughall’s in Kildare, seemingly in perfect health, and in the height of merrimen (sic) among his fellow servants, dropped suddenly dead.
Belfast Newsletter 20 April 1754
Naas Apr 25. There is a remarkable appearance of gentlemen at our Assizes. Michael Mahon convicted of a murder some time ago on the Curragh to be hanged and quartered. Neil O’Neil, Surgeon, found guilty of firing at, and wounding a Popish priest, and of carrying arms, being a papist; for the first offence he is not yet sentenced, for the last he is to be confined a year and a day, fined 50L and to lye in Gaol till it be paid. John Sullivan, James Medlicott and John Brayor to be transported for shop-breaking; and Lawrence Lewis, who killed his servant, as he was shooting a rabbit, found guilty of accidental manslaughter.
Belfast Newsletter 7 May 1754
Dublin May 4. Wednesday night about 12 o’clock Mr. David Shortely was coming to Town from Naas, he was attacked by two footpads on the road between Naas and Johnstown, one of them demanded his money but on Mr. Sharpely making resistance, one of them ran off, upon which he seized the other and brought him to Naas Gaol.
 Belfast Newsletter 17 May 1754
Naas May 9. Michael Mahon was this day executed and gibbeted for murdering and robbing the carman on the Curragh. He acknowledged the justice of his execution but declared he had never before been guilty of any capital crime.
(*See entry for Belfast Newsletter 20 April 1754 above)
Belfast Newsletter 28 Jan 1755
Naas Jan 23. Thursday last a woman died, to all appearance, and was buried the Saturday following; but about an hour after some boys, playing in the Churchyard, heard a noise underground, with which acquainting their parents, the grave was immediately opened and the woman found living. Proper care was immediately taken of her and she is now thoroughly recovered.
Belfast Newsletter 16 Mar 1756
Naas March 1. Last Tuesday on Fitzgerald and another man had a dispute in athy and some strokes but were prevented from doing any mischief; the day following, Fitzgerald went to the house where the man he had the dispute with lived, with a loaded pistol and shot him dead and made his escape.
Dublin Gazette 26 Apr – 29 Apr 1760
Death at Naas, the Rev. Adam Perry, Master of the diocesan school in that town.
Dublin Gazette 1 July – 5 July 1760
Dublin. On Sunday last one Simon Treacy farmer Two-Mile-Bridge in the Co. of Kildare was committed to Naas goal on suspicion of murdering his wife, as she has not been heard of since 11 June last.
Dublin Gazette 15 July – 19 July 1760
13 July Naas. Yesterday the wife of Mr. Simon Treacy (supposed to have been murdered and for which the husband was committed to the goal of this town) arrived here from Dublin.
Dublin Gazette 15 Nov – 18 Nov 1760
Death a few days ago in Naas, Mr John Eustace.
Dublin Gazette 16 Dec – 20 Dec 1760
Death a few days ago at Naas, Thomas McAvey Esq.  M.D.

Dublin Gazette 29 Dec 1761 – 2 Jan 1762
 Whereas James Healy stands indicted, at an assizes held for the Co. of Kildare at Naas, for assaulting Thomas Pollard, carrier to the Incorporated Society for Promoting English Protestant Schools in Ireland and forcibly refeuing (sic) and carrying away Charles and James Malloway, two children belonging to the said Society, and for harbouring and concealing said children. For more effectual bringing this offender to Justice, the Society hereby promise a reward of Two Pounds Sterling to the person or persons who shall apprehend the said James Hely, and lodge him in any of the goals of this Kingdom. Signed by Order. THOMAS GIBBON, SECRETARY.
N.B. The said Hely’s place of abode is on the lands of Belan, where he was lastly a shepherd and at present he is supposed to lurk somewhere in that neighbourhood.

Dublin Gazette 6 Feb – 9 Feb 1762
On Tuesday last Mr. Timothy Staunton, Parish Priest of Connell in the County of Kildaare was unhappily drowned in attempting to ford the Liffey near that place.

Dublin Gazette 9 Feb – 13 Feb 1762
 Deserted 14 Regiment of Dragoons commanded by the Earl of Lorne – EDWARD NELSON 19  yers, 5 feet 9 inches high, light brown complexion … by trade a comber. His parents live at Kilcullen Bridge or Baltinglass. A handsome straight young lad, believed to be married in Ballymoney or Celiveney near Eyre Court Co. Galway.

Dublin Gazette 23 – 27 Mar 1762
One Phillip McGuire is committed to Naas goal charged with being concerned with John Reynolds in the murder of Patrick Killale, flax-dresser, on the 14th inst. at Newtown-Kilbride.

Dublin Gazette 15 – 18 May 1762
(List of prisoners in the Fourcourts Marshalsea for debt)  Philip Butler late of Jigginstown in the County of Kildare.

Dublin Gazette 15 – 19 Jun 1762
Notice of reward of £10 for information leading to the capture of perpetrators of attacks on post horses of Christopher Barton, Post master Kilcullen Bridge (who was conveying Dublin Post mails between Kilcullen Bridge and Carlow).

Dublin Gazette 22 – 26 Jun 1762
Act lately passed for relief of insolvent debtors – Prisoner in the goal of Naas – First Notice.
Dennis Cunningham, late of Naas, in the County of Kildare, brogue maker.

Dublin Gazette 31 Jul – 3 Aug 1762
A few days ago a young man was accidentally killed at a Hurling match near Athy.

Pue’s Occurrences 10 – 14 Aug 1762
9th August. The races of Naas in the County of Kildare will begin Monday the 30th ins. And will continue the whole week. There will be three twenty and three fifteen pound plates and sweepstakes each day. Articles at large will be published speedily.

Dublin Gazette 4 – 7 Sep 1762
Naas Races. Monday. A purse of £15 “Give and take”:
Wm. Ryne Esq, mare ‘Sprightly Pegg’   1 1
Mr. Giles mare ‘Bitter’     2 2
Mr. Fitzgerald’s mare, Mr. Ferrol’s gelding ‘ Tester’, Mr. Casey’s gelding ‘Batchelor’ – a distance.

Pue’s Occurrences 23 –26 Oct 1762
Last week, Hugh Dowling labourer, James Dunne and Patrick Lawlor tinkers, were committed to Naas goal for ravishing and murdering Elizabeth Lawlor of Athy, who sold fruit and was upwards of 70 years of age.

Pue’s Occurrences  14 – 18 Dec 1762
Marriage a few days ago at Naas Mr William Peacock to Miss Jenny Peacock.

Pues Occurrences 26 – 29 Mar 1763
Thurs 24 March, about 8 o’clock at night as a man who lives at Castlecomer was coming to this city, he was attacked on the road between Kilcullenbridge and Naas by three footpads, who robbed him of 33 guineas in gold and 6s. 6d. in silver, but on his telling them he had not any more money, they returned him the 6s. 6d. and made him take an oath he would not speak of what happened for a considerable time.

Dublin Gazette 29 Mar – 2 Apr 1763
A few days ago Mr. Garrett Keatinge, who loves in the neighbourhood of Castlecomer, was robbed by three footpads at the 17 mile stone near Kilcullenbridge of upwards of 33 guineas. (See Pues Occurrences 26 – 29 Mar 1763, above)

National archives – Mss. M 2554 – Letters ‘Martial Affairs 1763-1765’
Page 34 – Letter Dublin 3 June 1763, signed by Captain Donal Grant 52nd Regiment for major of Brigade:- “For Subaltern Officer and 30 men quartered in Dublin to march to Kildare …… there has been a great riot at or near the town of Kildare ….. to be quartered there until further notice.”

Pue’s Occurrences 7 – 11 Jun 1763
Cork 6 Jun. This morning the 83rd Regiment commanded by Col. Armstrong and the 91st Regiment commanded by Lord Blaney, lately landed from Portugal, were disbanded in the New Barrack yards……
*(See entry under Pue’s Occurrences 23 – 27 Aug 1763)

Dublin Gazette 20 – 23 Aug 1763
Naas 18 August. This day a dreadful fire broke out here, which consumed twenty thatched houses before it was extinguished, by which the inhabitants are reduced to great distress. Happily no lives were lost.

Pue’s Ocurrences 23 – 27 Aug 1763
Died at Baltinglass, Lt White lately returned from Portugal. He died of wounds he received a week before in a duel fought in the churchyard of that place with a brother officer; he had two balls extracted and the wound of a third which entered near his throat caused his death.
* (The Army List 1763 shows Lt James White as an officer of the 91st Regiment, his rank dated from 1 April 1762).

Dublin Gazette 30 Jul – 2 Aug 1763
The Newbridge in the County of Kildare thrown down last spring by the flood, is now re-built and passable for carriages.

Dublin Gazette 24 – 27 Sep 1763
Naas 22nd September. This day died in our goal John Cullen, who was tried the last Assizes at Athy, for being concerned in forcibly carrying away the daughter of Mr. Hugh Terrence, with an intent to compel her to marry contrary to her inclination. He was to have been imprisoned for a year and a day.

Dublin Gazette 22 Oct – 25 Oct 1763
John Bourke Jun. Esq. is elected a Burgess in Parliament for the Borough of Naas, in the room of Richard Burgh Esq. deceased.

Dublin Gazette 3 Dec – 6 Dec 1763
Death at Naas, the wife of Rev. Mr. William Donnelan.

Freeman’s Journal  11 – 14 Feb 1764
Married a few days ago, John Bourke the Younger, representative in Parliament of the Borough of Naas, to Mary Leeson daughter of the Earl of Milltown.

Freeman’s Journal 11 – 14 Feb 1764
 Died at Harristown Co. Kildare aged 88 years Mr. Richard Manwaring.

Freeman’s Journal 18-21 Feb 1764
Monday last in Francis-street died of the small Pox, in the fourteenth Year of her Age, Miss Sarah Hannan, only Daughter of Mr. Cornelius Hannan, of Osberstown, in the County of Kildare; a young Lady whose many amiable Qualities and most engaging Behaviour makes her deeply and justly lamented.

Freeman’s Journal 7 – 10 April 1764
Died. Mark McAulay Doctor, of near Kilcullen Bridge

Dublin Gazette 26 – 29 May 1764
Died at Drummine in the County of Kildare aged 119, Mr John Keightley.

Dublin Gazette 1 – 5 June 1765
Dublin. We hear that John Bourke esq. the Younger, member of the Borough of Naas, succeeds the late George Gardiner Esq. as Surveyor of the stores in the Custom House.

Dublin Gazette 5 – 8 Jun 1765
 Thurs 3 Jan. In the morning a Gentleman’s coach was overturned within two miles of Naas, by which accident a footman was unhappily killed.

Dublin Gazette 22 – 26 Jan 1765
A gentleman coming to town from Kilkenny was robbed in the middle of the day between Kilcullen Bridge and Naas, of upwards of 60 guineas by two men, one mounted on a chestnut horse with a white face and the other on foot, but who rode off with the gentleman’s horse.
*(See entry under Dublin Gazette 29 Mar – 2 Apr 1763)

Freeman’s Journal 26-29 Jan 1765
A Mr. Reynolds of the City of Kilkenny is reported to have been robbed between Kilcullenbridge and Naas.

Dublin Gazette 30 Mar – 2 Apr 1765
Died at Naas Mr. Richard Tracy, formerly an eminent slater.

Dublin Gazette 6 – 9 Apr 1765
Tuesday 2nd April. Owen Neal a labourer was apprehended at Celbridge and committed to Naas goal charged with being guilty of several robberies.

Dublin Gazette 14 – 18 May 1765
A dispute arose at Naas between some countrymen and soldiers, in which some of the former was (sic) unhappily killed.

Dublin Gazette 25 – 28 May 1765
Died at Maudlins in the County of Kildare Mr John Holden, damask weaver.

Dublin Gazette 29 Jun – 2 Jul 1765
The dwelling house, Malt House, Bar and Stable belonging to Mr. Cahil of Clane in the County of Kildare, together with a large quantity of wheat and malt were consumed by fire.

Dublin Gazette 19 – 23 nov 1765
Monday 18 Nov. In the evening as a gentleman was coming to town he was attacked between Newbridge and Naas by three footpads armed with pistols, who robbed him of four forty shilling pieces and thirty three guineas, with which they made off.


Wishing everybody who visits ehistory a Happy Christmas and wonderful New Year. We have been busy working on the re-publication of Mary Leadbeater’s Annals of Ballitore which will be out early in 2009 and have been slow to update the site. Hope theses articles make up for it. We thank Bill Gibson for his kind donation of work he had researched and the staff at Kildare Collections and Research Services (Kildare Library and Arts Services) and of course Liam Kenny for his generous donation of his weekly articles in the Leinster Leader. 

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758