Researched by
Col. William H. Gibson (retd.)
Donated on 5 Aug. 2008

Dublin Mercury 13 Jan – 17 Jan 1766
Died at Newbridge, Mrs. Elinor O’Connor aged 90 years.

Dublin Mercury  22 Apr-26 Apr 1766
Mr William Tone of Blackhall in the County of Kildare, an eminent farmer, was killed by a fall from a stack of wheat.

Dublin Mercury  20 Apr – May 3 1766
26th. At night, a cabin near Kilcullen Bridge in the County of Kildare, was burned to the ground and a man and woman unfortunately perished in the flames.

Dublin Gazette 7 –10 Jun 1766
Last week a woman was apprehended at Finglas and lodged in Kilmainham goal, charged with being concerned with her brother (not yet taken) in murdering a pedler near about four years ago.
*(see entry under Dublin Mercury 10 – 14 Jun 1766)

Dublin Mercury 10 Jun – 14 Jun 1766
 Last week as labourers were digging on the lands of Philpott Wolfe Esq. Near Naas in the County of Kildare, they found the skeleton of a human body, believed to have been murdered over three years ago, as James Reilly, Pedler, has been missing ever since. Last Friday a woman was committed to Naas goal for said fact.

Dublin Gazette 14 – 17 Jun 1766
The celebrated Richard Faulkner, master of a Bagnio in this city, returning from the races at the Curragh, broke his neck by a fall from his horse.
*(A bagnio was an 18th century bathing house, it was also the designation of a house of ill-repute).

Dublin Gazette 24 – 28 jun 1766
We hear that two men after losing their cash at the late meeting at the Curragh thought proper on their return to stop a gentleman belonging to the army and demanding his money, which he making an effort of giving, instead of his money, pulled out a pistol with which he shot one of the villains through the head, the other made his escape. This affair, it is said, gave rise to the report of a man being killed by a fall from his horse between Newbridge and Naas.

Dublin Gazette 28 Jun – 1 July 1766
On Monday last a duel was fought at Ballymore Eustace between Lt S——-b and Mr. T—- in which the latter received so dangerous a wound that he died this day.

Dublin Gazette 1 – 5 Jul 1766
Letter from Carlow mention on 17th inst. 31 men and women crossing the River barrow near St. Mullins in a boat, it unfortunately turned over, by which accident 27 persons were drowned.

Dublin Mercury 4 Oct – 7 Oct 1766
Last week. Died at Grangeclear in the County of Kildare Mr. Darbie Mullowney, an opulent farmer. His death was occasioned by a blow he received with a hurling stick. The coroner’s inquest brought in their verdict of wilful murder by Thomas and Peter Doyle who have absconded.

Dublin Mercury 4 Oct – 7 Oct 1766
 We hear from Naas that on Michaelmas day the Corporation, after electing and swearing the magistrates for the year ensuing, unanimously granted the sum of 3,100 Sterling, out of the revenues of said Corporation, for the rebuilding of the steeple of the church of Naas and purchasing a ring of eight bells to be placed in it, which sum is to be paid by 100 Sterling per annum into the hands of John Bourke Esq., one of the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Revenue, and by him laid out for that purpose…..
Last Monday came on the election of Sovereign for Naas, when James Warren of Skinner Row Esq. was unanimously elected

Dublin Gazette 14- 17 Feb 1767
Last week a horrid murder was committed in the town of Athy on the body ofPatrick Knowles, formerly a mariner belonging to His Majesty’s ship Antelope, but last to the Rainbow in which service he had a acquired an extraordinary good character. One of the principals concerned in the murder viz. George Scott, was taken on the road to Munster on this side of Carlow and is secured in goal. Luke Smith another of the villains is supposed to have reached this county, for the apprehending of whom a reward will be given.

Dublin Gazette 4 – 7 Apr 1767
Married a few days ago at Ballitore in the Co. of Kildare Mr. Joshua Houghton to Miss Mary Taylor and John Hudson Jun. to Miss Elinor Parke, all of the people called Quakers.

Dublin Gazette 15 – 18 Aug 1767
On Sunday 2nd inst. the Rev. John Dempsey a Romish clergyman of Great Connel in the County of Kildare read his recantation from the errors of Popery and embraced the true religion in the parish church of Rathcool.

Died at Gilltown Co. Kildare Mrs Susanah Narney wife of John Narney, formerly Dame Street watchmaker, but now of Charlestown South Carolina.

Dublin Gazette 1 – 5 Sep 1767
At Athy Luke Smith, Richard Scott, George Brown and Edward Brown were tried for murder of Patrick Knowles and found guilty of manslaughter at large, and ordered to be burned on the hands and imprisoned for six months.
*(See Dublin Gazette entry  for 14 – 17 Feb 1767)

Dublin Gazette 19 – 23 Jan 1768
Married Mr Samuel Busby watchmaker on Cork Hill to Miss Judith Walker of Ballymany, adjoining the Curragh of Kildare.

Dublin Gazette 23 – 27 Feb 1768
Dr. Percival has received from Mr William Harrington, executor to the late John Harrington of Athy, a legacy of twenty pounds to be laid out in the purchase of a clock for the church of Athy and the remainder to be distributed among the poor of the parish.

Dublin Gazette 26 – 28 Apr 1768
With pleasure we inform the publick that the bridges of Kilcullen and Brannockstown are now completely finished by a grant of  £600 from Parliament in the year 1766, upon application from Sir Kildare Dixon Burrowes Bart., under whose inspection the work has been properly executed.

Dublin Gazette 28 – 30 Apr 1768
The Rev. Dr. King acknowledges receipt of £10 from Rev. Dr. Domville to be distributed among the poor of the parishes of Tiperkevin and Ballymore Eustace, without any distinction of religion or party.

Dublin Gazette 3 – 5 May 1768
On 25th past, Denis Dwyer was executed at Naas pursuant to his sentence for stealing a horse, the property of Mr. Harry Winston of Feathard (sic) in the County of Tipperary.

Dublin Gazette 17 – 19 Maay 1768
Sat 15 May.  One Brett concerned in the murder of Mr. Cawley, Smock Alley, was apprehended at the fair of Kilcock and lodged in the goal of Naas.

Dublin Gazette 19 – 22 Nov 1768
On Sunday morning 6th the dwelling house and out offices of Abel Wall of Johnstown in the County of Kildare were set on fire and entirely consumed, with a quantity of goods and furniture therein, by some malicious person or persons.

Dublin Gazette 24 – 26 Nov 1768
Married a few days ago Rev. Simon Digby of Osberstown in the County of Kildare to Mrs Buckley an agreeable widow.

Dublin Gazette 13 – 15 Dec 1768
Kilkenny 10 December. On Tuesday last Nicholas Robinson, a poor labourer, was most inhumanely murdered at Athy in the County of Kildare. William Belfield and James Flood both belonging to the 3rd Regiment of Horse, are both charged with having committed same, for the apprehending of same a reward of £10 is offered.

Dublin Gazette 21 – 23 Feb 1769
Married Mr John Walsh of Milerstown in the County of Kildare to Miss Anne Fitzsimons.

Dublin Gazette 7 – 9 Mar 1769
The Governor and Governesses of the County Kildare Infirmary do give notice that the said Infirmary is now ready for the reception of patients and that they will on Saturday 1st April next, at the house of Mr Martin Dunphy at Naas, proceed with the election of a Surgeon and other officers of the said Infirmary.

Dublin Mercury 16 Mar – 18 Mar 1769
Whereas James Eustace Connolly called Capt. Eustace, did on Monday 6th March inst. in the evening; with several other villains enter the lands and house of John Begg at Harristown in the County of Kildare, armed with a blunderbush (sic), pistol and swords and felloniously took possession of said house by presenting a pistol to the breast of Mrs. Plunkett, an elderly woman and housekeeper to the said John Beggs ….. locked the house, fired shots… reward of £20 sterling for apprehending the said Eustace.    JOHN BEGG.

Dublin Gazette 4 – 6 April 1769
Sat 1 April. Mr. Francis Gervais was elected Surgeon to the County Kildare Infirmary.
Dublin Gazette 18 – 20 Apr 1769
Died at Ratchcool (sic) James Hart innkeeper.

Dublin Gazette 27 – 29 Apr 1769
The tolls of the fairs lately granted by patent to Thos Attiwell Esq. to be held at Kilcullen Bridge in the County of Kildare on every 28th March and 8th day of September for the encouragement of the publick, will be remitted free for one year longer.

Dublin Gazette 29 Apr – 2 May 1769
Tuesday 25th. Captain/Lieutenant John Mayne of the 14th Regiment of Dragoons dropped down dead at Manooth (sic) as he was going to stable his horses. He was a gentleman of unblemished honour.

Dublin Gazette 9 – 11 May 1769
Died at Osberstown in the County of Kildare Reverend Mr. Benjamin Digby, Minister of Geshill (sic) in the King’s County.

Dublin Gazette 16 – 18 May 1769
(Notice dated 10 May from County Kildare Infirmary thanking the Bishop of Kildare for recommending clergymen of Kildare to preach sermons for the benefit of the County Kildare Infirmary)… “ subscribers who have not paid their subscriptions do immediately pay them to the Duke of Leinster, Treasurer to the said Charity…..Governors are desired to meet at The Rose and Bottle in Dame Street on 25th inst. to elect a steward and to consider receiving proposals for carrying into execution the plan for building a new Infirmary”.

Dublin Gazette 8 – 11 Jul 1769
Married Mr. James Stone of Georges Lane, coachmaker, to Miss Elizabeth Bermingham of Naas

Dublin Gazette 5 – 7 Sep 1769
Monday 4 Sep.  A young man and a boy were poisoned at Naas County Kildare by eating mushrooms which grew at the roots of trees near that town and the woman who dressed and had tasted of them now lies past all hopes of recovery.

Dublin Gazette 9 – 12 Sep 1769
Last week a cabbin at Newbridge the seat of Colonel Cobbe was accidentally burned to the ground.

Dublin Gazette 31 Oct – 2 Nov 1769
Died. William Rose of Jigginstown Naas in the County of Kildare. His death was occasioned by a fall from a place of pleasure he called Mount Lawler.
*(The following edition of the paper stated “ The death of Mr. Rose proves to be a mistake).

Dublin Gazette 19 – 21 Dec 1769
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to appoint Francis Vernon Wilson Esq. Barrack Master of Carlow District containing the barracks of Carlow, Athy, Tullow, Maryborough and Dunnymore.

Dublin Gazette 29 – 31 May 1770
A general quarterly meeting of the Governors and Governesses of the County Kildare Infirmary will be held at the Infirmary in the town of Kildare on Friday 8th June next.

Dublin Gazette 31 Jul – 2 Aug 1770
From Kildare we learn that a set of publick spirited and charitable gentlemen in that town, about 12 months ago, did purchase at a considerable expense the tolls and customs of said town and established a fine market there. (more details )

Dublin Gazette 7 – 9 Aug  1770
Dublin Castle 8 August 1770.  A petition of Sovereign, Portrieves, Burgesses, Freemen and Principal inhabitants of Naas in the County of Kildare having been laid before His Excellency The Lord Lieutenant, praying a grant of two additional fairs to be held in the town of Naas, that is to say, one fair to be held on every 17th day of March and one other fair day every 10th August for ever; His Excellency has been pleased to order His Majesty’s writ of Ad Quod Dominum to be issued as in such cases as usual.

Dublin Gazette 25 – 28 Aug 1770
Died. Miss Catherine Rose, daughter of William Rose of Jigginstown
*(See Dublin Gazette 31 Oct – 2 Nov 1769)

Dublin Gazette 22 – 25 Sep 1770
By a letter from Kilcullen Bridge we hear that the franchises of that town will be perambulated on Saturday 29th September inst. in a most superb manner.

Dublin Gazette 4 – 6 Oct 1770
Married – Mr. Matthew White of Naas Sray (sic) maker to Miss Esther Hughes, daughter of William Hughes, sovereign of said town.

Dublin Gazette 5 – 7 Mar 1771
Notice is hereby given to all farmers who graze sheep or any other cattle upon the Curragh of Kildare, if they do have them drove off entirely from any part of the King’s Plate course before ten o’clock every morning during the meeting, they will be impounded and fined one crown each for every beast that is found in or near part of the King’s Plate course.
By Order of Wm Sherlock Esq. Ranger    George Green.

Dublin Gazette 30 Apr – 2 May 1771
A few days ago Mr. John Croke of Naas read his recantation from the errors of the church of Naas and embraced the Protestant religion.

Dublin Gazette 22 – 25 Jun 1771
Married. Theobold Wolfe of Castlewarden  to Miss Frances Lombard.

Dublin Gazette 29 Jun – 2 Jul 1771
Died. Mr. Theobold Wolfe late of the Comb, Iron monger, son of John Wolfe of Forenaughts.

This is to give notice that George Graydon Esq late of Killashee in the County of Kildare deceased and by his will and testament dated 4th March 1762, bequeath the sum of £5 to the poor of the parish of Killashee in the said county and appointed Robert Graydon of  Killashee aforesaid an executor of his will and testament 1st July 1771.

Dublin Gazette 2 – 4 July 1771
Died a few days ago at Naas in the County of Kildare Lawrence Misset Esq. a most eminent farmer in theory and practice.

 Dublin Gazette 28 – 31 Dec 1771
Died. Mrs. Wolfe, wife of Theobold Wolfe Esq of Aungier St.
*(See Dublin Gazette 22 – 25 Jun 1771 and 29 Jun – 2 Jul 1771).

Dublin Gazette 23 – 25 Jan 1772
The woman who was lately wounded by a party of soldiers at Naas, being carried to St. Stephens Hospital, had her arm cut off, being mortified, and after lingering a few days, died in great agony.

Dublin Gazette 6 – 8 Feb 1772
Died. A few days ago at Naas in the County of Kildare, Mr William Eustace of that town, inn-keeper aged 70 years, whose father Mr. Oliver Eustace died four years ago in the 104th year of his age.

Dublin Gazette 25 – 27 Feb 1772
Now we have the pleasure to assure the publick that there is not one debtor in the goal of that great and populous Count of Kildare.

Dublin Gazette 31 Mar – 2 Apr 1772
Naas 28 March. This day the two young men Aldred and Mooney received sentence of death for robbery lately committed at Ballygart  (sic) in the County of Kildare.

Dublin Gazette 4 – 6 July 1772
(Notice of a reward of  £30 from Jane Moilse and John Long, inn-holder, for the capture of Thomas Mitchell.)
Whereas in the evening of the 18th of May last Henry Moilse, late of Jigginstown in the County of Kildare, farmer, went to the house of Thomas Mitchell, who kept a carman’s inn near the Turnpike gate of said Jigginstown……….the said Thomas Mitchell …(gave) the said Henry Moilse two successive blows with a heavy pewter mug upon the head….. and fractured his skull ..(and he) died the next day.

Dublin Gazette 2 – 4 Mar 1773
Carlow February 27th. We hear from Castledermot that on Wednesday evening last an affray happened between the army and some of the people of that town, when a man was stabbed in the temple with a bayonet of which wound he died yesterday.

Dublin Gazette 27 – 30 Mar 1773
Notice. The  Jockey Club dine at  the King’s Arms Kildare on Tuesday 20th April.        Robert Hamilton Esq. President.

Dublin Gazette 15 – 20 May 1773
To be sold the lodge of Benjamin Bunbury Esq. in the town of Kildare, opposite the Coffee House, application to be made to Ambrose Lane Esq. in Peter Street Dublin. A servant attends to show the house.

Dublin Gazette 22 – 25 May 1773
The Jockey Club dine at The King’s Arms Kildare on Wednesday 9th June.
Lord Clanwilliam President.

Dublin Gazette 14 – 16 Oct 1773
Last Thursday William Nicholson labourer was committed to Athy goal, charged with committing a rape on the body of Catherine Fitzgerald, a poor servant maid, who was sent with Nicholson’s dinner to the field where he was at work. It is not many months since a man was executed at Athy for the like crime.

Dublin Gazette 16 –18 Oct 1773
Last week as Mr. Jonathan Woodman of Dunlavin was going to the fair of Kilcullen, he fell from his horse and immediately expired.

Dublin Gazette 15 – 18 Jan 1774
 Patrick McGinley, Andrew Knott and Timothy O’Brien are now in custody charged with several robberies. Said Timothy O’Brien was committed to Naas goal by the name of Timothy Fahy, together with one James McGinley for horse stealing, which goal they had broke and made their escape. They were all apprehended by Owen Donoghue who deserves every encouragement from the publick for his many services in apprehending robbers.

Dublin Gazette 19 – 22 Mar  1774
Last Monday the Leinster Circuit court began at Naas and on Tuesday Robert Power was tried for the murder of John Gilmore, who was killed in a quarrel about the cutting of a maypole near Dublin. When the jury not agreeing, they were locked up from one o’clock at noon to 9 o’clock next morning and the returned their guilty verdict.
James Dunne and James Lawlor were also tried for the murder of John Fitzpatrick near Stradbally in the Queens County and the jury, after sitting for a few minutes, returned a verdict of not guilty.

Dublin Gazette 31 Mar – 2 Apr 1774
At the assizes of County Kildare held at Naas. John Keely and Patrick McGinley were found guilty of breaking the goal of Naas and enlarging (sic) several prisoners charged with felony, for which they received a sentence of death and McGinley is respited to Monday 9th May. Edward Rochfort for a rape and Henry Groves for horse stealing were also capitally convicted and ordered for execution on 9th May.

Dublin Gazette 2 – 5 Apr 1774
Extract from a letter from Naas March 29th. Yesterday John Keely was brought to the gallows and there hanged for the usual time, after he was cut down there appearing some symptoms of life, he was carried away a distance from the town and let blood and had breast milk and other nourishment put down his throat; he continues speechless and in strong convulsions but there are hopes of his recovery.
*(See previous entry)

Dublin Gazette 6 – 8 Dec 1774
Kilkenny December 3rd. On the 25th ult. Departed this life at Athy, in the 80th year of his age (thirty five whereof he had been seated in the President’s chair of the Antient Society of Porter Drinkers in the above town) James Purcell, commonly known by the name of Baron Purcell of Loakman. His death was occasioned (as his last breath declared) by the opposition given him by a young foreigner (whom he had introduced into the above society) who had for some time past been endeavouring to supplant him in the chair. But so anxious was the poor man to disappoint the ungrateful attempts of the foreigner, that in his last moments he had most of the members summoned in order to chuse (sic) a successor, and to render the poor creature’s departure as easy as possible they rejected the foreigner, and chose a person of his recommendation; and he shortly expired in great composure.
On opening his will the following humorous bequest was found in it. “And I do hereby direct that my body shall be preceded to the grave by twelve of the best performers on the small pipes which can be conveniently had, to whom I will one crown each for their trouble in playing my favourite tune Granuiwail (sic). And I do solemnly exclude Stephen the Tinker out of the number, as a base musician.” He also bequeathed a Butt of Porter to be drunk on his grave (or if the clergyman would not permit that) or the Market Cross.
The greatest concourse of people that ever was known at any funeral in those parts appeared at his. The pipers attended in pursuance of his will, but would not accept the crown bequeathed them as above, as the Baron in his life-time had been a capital performer in their way. And forty five members of the Porter Society, with the Chairman at their head, marched in the uniforms of their body before the cortege and the whole of the melancholy ceremony was concluded with that decency and propriety for which this Antient Society was ever remarkable.

Dublin Gazette 13 – 15  Dec 1774
The death of James Purcell of Athy, with the Burlesque ceremonies attending his funeral …… we are authorized to contradict; as it appears that the paragraph was intended for a Christmas laugh, by some of the wits of the town, at the  expence of an honest industrious inhabitant, who is alive and well.

Dublin Gazette 7 – 9 Mar 1775
A few days ago, two men both of Clane in the County of Kildare were lodged in Naas goal, by some gentlemen of the Anna Liffey club; one for highway robbery and the other for rescuing the other from the High Constable into whose custody he had been committed by Simon Digby Esq. but being pursued, they were apprehended on the road to Dublin.

Dublin Gazette 28 – 30 Mar  1775
We learn from Ballysax of the Co. of Kildare that on 14th inst. James Beahan (a tenant of Mrs. Annesley’s) died there in consequence of a bite he had got about three weeks ago from a mad dog.

Dublin Gazette 25 – 27 May 1775
Died at Fournous (sic) County Kildare Theobold Wolfe Esq J.P. for said county.

Dublin Gazette 20 – 22 Jun 1775
Friday June 16th there was the greatest fall of rain ever known at the Curragh of Kildare and on Saturday the greatest hail, by which many lambs, crows, pigeons etc. were destroyed. The stones measuring more than one inch in diameter, lodged many acres of the finest wheat and corn near Mulhuddart in the County of Dublin.
Dublin Evening Post 7 Feb 1778
Last week died in the town of Kilcullen in the County of Kildare William Deevy aged 110 years. He served King James in all of his wars in this Kingdom, being 20 years of age at the time of the Revolution. He had a minute and circumstantial knowledge of most of what was memorable in them (sic) interesting times.

Dublin Evening Post 20 Jun 1778
Thursday. Six bailiffs who went to execute a writ on a person at Old Kilcullen in the Count Kildare were attacked by a number of country people who took six cases of pistols and six hangars from them, cut off their hair, abused them in a shocking manner and were going to throw them in a deep turn-hole near that place called Halfpenny’s Hole, but for the interposition of some of the neighbouring gentlemen, who with much difficulty saved them from their rage.

Dublin Evening Post 23 Jun 1778
Whereas Crosbie Morgell Gent. And his servant were about half past ten o’clock on the night of 19th of June inst. attacked by four fellows on foot, armed with pistols opposite the Gallow’s Hill near Naas, who robbed him to the amount of TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY THREE POUNDS and upwards in specie… and then ran off towards Oldtown…. Two of them wore bonnets and wigs and were dressed in worn-out brown clothes; were about five feet six inches high; the third was a young man, wore his hair, his hat slouched and a jockey coat, which seemed tight about his neck -… Reward of £50.

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal 2 Jan 1783
Notice of an intended review on the Curragh of Kildare on 2nd Monday after the June meeting, of the several Corps of County Kildare.

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal 19 – 21 Feb 1784
A Granary, Custom House and a prison are shortly to be erected at Naas in the County of Kildare as a consequence of the communication now making between that town and the Grand Canal.

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal 16 – 18 Mar 1784
County Kildare. The gentlemen of the Anna Liffey Club are requested to meet at Dunphy’s in Naas on Monday 22nd inst., being the next day of the Assizes.
      March 15th   John Wolfe . Treasurer

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal 20 – 23 Mar 1784
On Saturday 20th inst. was committed to Naas goal by Major Brady, one of His majesty’s Justices of the Peace, four brothers of the name of Flood, who stand charged with a number of others, being concerned in sheep stealing in that neighbourhood. They were escorted by a party of the Castletown Union under Lieutenant Guinness.

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal 20 – 23 April 1784
On Friday night 9th April four villains, with their faces blackened, entered the house of Matthew White Esq. of Mullacash in the County of Kildare, while the family were asleep, broke into the room where Mr. White was in bed and, with dreadful imprecations, demanded his monry; he gave them the key of his desk out of which they took £600 in cash and £300 in bank notes; they then locked the room door and went to the stable to wipe the black and take away the horses; while they were doing this one of the stable boys who lay in the hay loft got out of bed and saw the robbers and knew them; they rode the horses about two miles and then turned them loose. Information being given, three of the villains viz. Brophy, Doyle and Cullen were taken on Sunday morning last, at a wake at Coghlanstown, near Ballymore Eustace by a party of the Kilcullen Rangers and lodged in Naas goal.
*(Note. In 1790 Matthew White “piously donated £200” for the building o St. Peter’s Church at Two – Mile – House on an acre of ground that was donated by Archibald Hamilton Rowan, a leader of the United Irishmen).

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : September 5 1786
Foundations of new goal for Kildare laid out at Naas.

Belfast Newsletter 10 Apr 1789
Quarters of the Infantry for the year 1789:-  40th Regiment – 9 Companies in Dublin, 1 Company in Naas.

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : September 14 1795 (3,d)
O’Connor execution at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : November 1798 (2,d)
Murder of Patrick Neal near Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : May 11 1799 (2,d)
Execution of 21 persons at Naas and 12 at Kilcock

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : October 28 1799 (4,a)
Attack on Limerick mail coach near Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : January 7 1800 (3,b)
Capture of gang of armed robbers by the North Naas Yeomanry Cavalry

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : July 9 1801 (3,c)
Execution of Logan and O’Hegarty at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : April 24 1819 (3,a)
Fever among students at College near Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : December 6 1831 (4,a)
Sale of a live child by its mother to a doctor for dissection at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : April 1 1834 (3,e)
Murder of Rev. Mr. Houston (Naas)

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : April 3 1834 (3,c)
Executions of Edward McDaniel and George Leonard at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : July 18  1842 (7,e)
Accidents, extraordinary proceedings and riot at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : June 30 1857 (5,d)
Wreck of “Naas” off Cornwall

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : July 12 1860 (12, f)
Bees swarming at Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : November 7 1860 (4, f)
Colling, (Capt). Accidentally shot at Curragh…during rifle practice. Memorial stone placed in Harworth-on-Tees church by brother officers.

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : May 1861
Many articles re Prince of Wales at Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : July 13 1863 (6,f)
Lord Naas on English policy in China

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : August 7 1863 (8, Leading article)
Lord Naas on English policy in China

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : June 12 1866 (10, c)
Curragh of Kildare Bill

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Sep 17 1866 (8, b)
Curragh of Kildare, Public and Private Rights

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Sep 27 1866 (10, c)
Curragh of Kildare, Public and Private Rights

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jun 4 1867 (8, d)
Curragh camp – Parliamentary proceedings

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Sep 7 1867 (8, b)
Curragh Camp horrid state of

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Nov 26 1867 (4, c)
Curragh Camp – Parliamentary Inquiry

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Nov 27 1867 (12, d)
Curragh camp – state of

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jan 1 1868 (5, f)
The wren of the Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jan 2 1868 (..)
The wren of the Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jan 6 1868 (10, e)
*John La Touche on the Wren of the Curragh
* Wren of the Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jan 7 1868 (11, a)
Wren of the Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jan 8 1868 (9, b)
Alex Henderson on the Wren of the Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jan 10 1868 (7, c)
*John La Touche on the Wren of the Curragh
*Wren of the Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Jun 12, 13, 16, 19 30; Jul 1, 10, 15 1868 (…)
Parliamentary debate- Curragh of Kildare Bill

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : April 20 1882 (6,c)
Naas gaol, meeting in

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : August 28 1883 (10,c)
Rev. P. Clonry thrown from his horse near Naas and killed

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Sep 1883 (4, e)
Curragh camp – accident at Polo

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : June 1 1888 (7,e)
Riot at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Aug 11 1884 (6, e)
Curragh camp – Explosion at Carteen (Canteen?) Theatre

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : December 14 1888 (10,b)
Case of the Naas rioters

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : January 10 1889 (6,a)
*National League convention at
*Wm. O’Brien at Naas

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : Aug 14 1889 (12, c)
Curragh camp-Cricket- Incogniti v Curragh

Palmer’s Index of The Times  : December 8 1900 (14,e)
Naas rural district Council meeting.

Part Two of Bill Gibson’s research on 18TH CENTURY NEWSPAPERS AND MUNIMENTS. We thank him for his generosity.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758