Kildare Observer, March 9th 1912

Death Of A Military Veteran In Newbridge

On Sunday last the death took place at Newbridge of Timothy O’Keefe, whose demise severs the one locally remaining link with the Indian mutiny. The deceased, who was about 75 years of age, had belonged to the 108th Bengal Regiment, and full military honours were paid to the veteran’s remains on Tuesday, when the funeral took place from the Roman Catholic Church, Newbridge at 2.30 o’clock. The band & drums of the Connaught Rangers were present, and the firing party was also supplied by this Regiment (2nd Batt.) the gun carriage of the Royal Horse Artillery taking place in the cortege. The cost of the funeral was defrayed by Mr. P. Charleton, T.C., R.D.C., out of Lord Roberts’ fund for Crimean and Indian mutiny veterans.

A Kildare Observer report on the death of a Newbridge military veteran in 1912. Re-typed by Roy O’Brien. Our thanks to Roy.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758