Leinster Leader 25th January 1913

Death  of Mr.  J. E.  Medlicott,  J.P.

The death of Mr. J. E. Medlicott, J.P., which occurred at his residence, Dunmurry, Kildare, on Sunday, 12th instant removes one of the oldest and most esteemed gentlemen of the county, and there are many expressions of regret being heard among all classes. Mr. Medlicott, who was a good and considerate employer, took a very great interest in the working of the district, and there were of them very few indeed whom he did not know, as well as their circumstances and needs. This was evidenced on many an occasion when some poor man was charged with a slight offence against the law. A lecture from the Chairman and a small fine generally met such a case, accompanied by a few parting words of advice. Bringing common sense to bear on every matter that came before him in his capacity as a magistrate nobody could find every the slightest fault with Mr. Medlicott in his rulings, and in every instance he was careful to bring out any and every mitigating circumstance in the different cases before him in favour of the accused. The late Mr. Medlicott was spoken of as the oldest magistrate in the County Kildare and he certainly was one of the most considerate and painstaking. The funeral on Wednesday, 15th instant, which left his residence, Dunmurry, was largely attended to the Kildare Cathedral where services were held. The chief mourners were ― Miss Medlicott, Miss Stuart Medlicott, Mrs. Reeves and Mrs Bailey (daughters); Miss Reeves and Miss Hilda Reeves (grand-daughters), Mr Henry Reeves (grandson). The funeral service at the Cathedral was conducted by the Very Rev. the Dean of Kildare, assisted by the Rev. Precentor Adams, who also officiated at the graveside. The coffin was covered with many beautiful wreaths. After the service at the Cathedral the funeral returned to Dunmurry, where the interment took place. Amongst those present at the funeral were ― The Very Rev. Dean of Kildare and Mrs. Cowell, the Rev. Precentor Adams, Rev. R. S. Chaplin, Very Rev. Father Campion, P.P., Very Rev. N. A. Staples, Prior, O.C.C.; Messrs. W. Grove White, J. Whiteside Dane, D.L., R. F. Gannon, J.P., James Coffey, J.P., R. H. Falkiner, W. A. Lanphier, solicitor; Dr. L. F. Rowan, Dr. E. T. Coady, W. Odlum, J. P.; Denis Flood, J. Bergin, Michael Dawson, Rathbride Manor; P. J. McCann, solicitor; Chas. Heffernan, G. H. Fawcett, Patrick Talbot, B. Ennis, T. Kelly, Wm. Watson, P. Hughes, J. Corry, D.C., J. J. O’Driscoll, M.P.S.I.; Samuel Bratton, C.P.S.; Denis Carberry, E. Cosgrove, T. McHugh, M.P.S.I., John Moore, J.P.; P. O’Brien, postmaster; Thomas Harte, J. Nolan, M. Cooper, J. P. Moore, D. Jackson, T. Harris, T. Behan, J. F. Dowling, solicitor,; J. Maunsell, W. Mathews, Joseph P. Kelly, Rathbride; F. M. Gray, A. O’Neill, F. Strath, J. Hackett, Knocknagella; J. McArthur, C. McNabb, N. Hannigan, J. Savage, station-master, G.S.W.R., F. Burke, P. Murphy, etc.

The death of Mr. J. E. Medlicott, J.P., one of Co. Kildare’s biggest landowners, as reported in the Leinster Leader 25 January 1913

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758