Kildare Observer 22 September 1883

Death of Mr. Richard Treacy, T.C.


Mr. Richard Treacy T.C., died at his residence, Naas, at an early hour on Wednesday evening. Though Mr. Treacy had been in a feeble state of health for a considerable time past, yet it was never suspected that death would come so suddenly as it did. Up to five o’clock on Wednesday afternoon the deceased gentleman was attending as usual to his business duties; but at that hour, as he was about to make his preparations to attend a meeting of the local municipal body, he was seized with a fit of apoplexy, from which he never recovered, and death ensued in a comparatively brief period. The news of the melancholy occurrence rapidly spread through the town and district; and we are not using the mere facon de parler, or commonplace, generally used to express regret at death, when we say that the intelligence of Mr. Treacy’s demise was universally received with profound feelings of sorrow. Nor was this surprising. Inasmuch as during a life which had almost reached the allotted span of three score and ten, he had gained by his candour of manner and uprightness of dealing, the respect and esteem of all who knew him. In his public capacity as a town commissioner he had the fullest confidence of all classes, and his career at the municipal board was marked by a thorough straightforwardness and independence, during the very long time he sat at it as a member. Such being the attributes of Mr. Treacy’s life, those who did not know him can adequately conceive the deep feelings of sorrow which the news of his death engendered in the large circle of his friends and acquaintances. Of the deceased it may be truly said, in the language of a great poet, that he was one of those to whom affluence, position and influence are given, and who, having yielded them well.

    “Dying, leave no line they wish to blot!”

Yesterday afternoon his remains were interred in the family burial-ground, at Caragh, and an exceedingly large number of people assembled to do honour to his memory.

At eleven o’clock, a Solemn Office and High Mass was held in the Catholic Church, Naas. The Rev. T. Morrin, P.P. was celebrant; Rev. M. Norris, C.C., Allen, deacon; the Rev. J. Dunne C.C, sub-deacon; and the Rev. J. Farrell, P.P. Master of Ceremonies. Amongst the other clergymen present were the following:- Rev. A. Kinsella, P.P., Caragh; Rev. A. Kennedy, C.C; Rev. N. Staples, O.C.C., Kildare; Rev. M. Nolan, P.P.; Rev. C Brennan, C.C; Rev. John Hampson, C.C.; Rev. Father Morrissey, C.C; Rev. J. Horgan, P.P., Ballymore; Rev. Father O’Sullivan , O.P, Newbridge: Rev. Father Hickey, O.P. Newbridge; Rev. Father Turner, P.P. Clane; Rev. Father J. Byrne, C.C.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758