Droichead Nua Boy Scouts. Blessing of colours

The Kildare Observer 8 October 1932


The blessing of the colours of Droichead Nua, St. Conleth’s 2nd Kildare Troop of Catholic Boy Scouts, took place in the Military Barracks Grounds on Sunday last in delightfully fine weather. There was a huge attendance present and the ceremonies were followed with interest.
Seven troops of Scouts at the invitation of the Droichead Nua troop travelled from Dublin ― the 59th., 20th., 28th., 44th., 64th., and 1st., and 2nd. H.Q. They were under the leadership of Commissioners E. Cullen, J. Ward, S. O’Higgins, Executive H.Q.; J. S. M. Ayres (in command); Scoutmaster Costello, and Mr. Skelly, Rathmines.
There were also present ― Rev. D. Waldron, Kildare; Mr. C. Bergin, do.; Mr. J. Fleming, do.; Bro. Nilus and Community, do.; Rev. C. P. Horan, C.C., Droichead Nua; Messrs. Joseph Murphy, J. Kearns, L. Murphy, J. Higgins, R. J. Donaghy, Manager of "Leinster Leader," Naas; Senator W. Cummins, and P. R. O’Farrelly, Curragh Camp.
Sharply at four o’clock the troops had taken up their positions in the barracks, the visiting Scouts being arranged in horseshoe formation, and the left end being taken up by the St. Conleth’s troop. Senior Patrol Leader, P. Coffey carried the colour "frog" and was accompanied by a guard of honour, while six paces in front of the troop, Patrol Leader, Peter Conlan, and Patrol Leader J. Murphy, with staves, took up position. On the arrival of Very Rev. L. Brophy, P.P., accompanied by Rev. Father Walsh, C.C., troop chaplain, the Scouts came to the alert and the ceremony of blessing the colours which was performed by Rev. Fr. Brophy assisted by Fr. Walsh, was immediately proceeded with. At its conclusion the colours bearer with guard of honour advanced and the former with bended knees received the colours. Rising up he faced the troop and the general salute sounded, at which the colours were dipped, and the guard of honour saluted with their staves.
In a short address Mr. Commissioner Cullen emphasised the importance of all Scouts having a thorough grasp of their duties and still more important of acting up to those duties on all occasions. As Scouts they had obligations to carry out and it was up to them to show by their example and conduct that they were really Scouts not only in name, but in fact. He congratulated the Scouts, who had taken part in the Eucharistic Congress and who had given so much help to the organisers to make that great event such a conspicuous success.
In conclusion he thanked the Droichead Nua troop for their kind invitation and wished them every success.
The troops then marched to the parish church for Benediction, St. Conleth’s troop leading. In the church the colour bearers arranged themselves around the High Altar in a semi-circle, and at the Elevation the colours were again dipped to the ground and the blare of trumpets rang out strong and clear.
At the close of Benediction the Scouts’ promise was administered by the troop chaplain, Fr. Walsh, and the Scout Prayer said aloud. The ceremony concluded with the singing of Faith of Our Fathers.
An entertainment was afterwards held in the New Schools and a most enjoyable evening spent.
The ladies catering committee consisted of the following:― Mrs. M. Colohan, Chairman; Mrs. B. Timmons, M. Kenna, K. Phelan, B. Barry, A. Begley, M. Hayes, A. Brazil, F. Conlan, M. McKenna, Miss L. Farrell, K. Coffey, M. Foran, Mrs. White, Mrs. Keths, Mrs. Colleton, Miss Quinn. Vocal items were rendered at intervals and loudly applauded and the chorus taken up by the whole assembly ― Mr. J. Higgins, Assistant Scoutmaster, sang "Barney O’Hea," with fine effect, and Mr. Joe Murphy’s "We all Went Marching Home Again," was greeted with hearty applause.
Songs were also contributed by Mr. Commissioner Ward, Mrs. Kenna, Patrick McCaffrey, Miss M. Foran, and Scout J. B. Berry. Patrol Leaders O’Brien, McCaffrey, Dunne and Messons won thunderous appreciation for their fine rendering of "Susan Fane," "Poly Woodle Doodle," and "Down in the Cornfields" and other topical items.
In commemoration of Rosary Sunday, presentations of Rosary Beads, special souvenirs of the Eucharistic Congress and badges made by the Thurles Nuns, were made by Mr. Farrelly, Curragh, to Patrol Leaders P. Coffey, D. Conlan, and J. Murphy.
The proceedings closed with the singing by all the Scouts, with hands joined round the table, of "Auld Lang Syne."
Just before the break up Mr. Farrelly, on behalf of the committee thanked the Dublin Scouts for their kindly gesture in coming to Droichead Nua, and the Chief Scoutmaster for the Dublin Scouts replied in a like strain.
Great credit is due to the organisers, and especially to Mr. Patrick Kelly, Scoutmaster, to whose initiative and enterprise the establishing of the troop is mainly due.


The blessing of the colours of Droichead Nua, St. Conleth’s 2nd Kildare Troop of Catholic Boy Scouts, took place in October 1932

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758