Leinster Leader 25 February  1956

Droichead Nua Memorial


An inaugural meeting of the Coisde Cuimhneachain Eamonn O Modhrain was held in the Town Hall, Droichead Nua. A committee was formed the purpose of which is the erection of a memorial to the late Eamonn O Modhrain.

Eamonn O Modhrain was a descendent of the ’98 leader, Captain Doorley, and a founder member of the Gaelic League and Sinn Fein in Droichead Nua. He combined a lifetime of devotion to Ireland with an unswerving allegiance to Republican ideals and served terms of imprisonment under both the British and Free State regimes.

It was unanimously agreed that the memorial should take the form of a hall in Droichead Nua, to be known as the Eamonn O Modhrain Memorial Hall, and to be used solely for National functions. A considerable sum of money is already in hand for this purpose, and arrangements have been made to supplement those by running carnivals, etc. The committee have been fortunate in obtaining the services of the Vincent Lowe Trio for a ceilidhe to be held on Easter Monday night.

The following officials were appointed, President P.J. Dunne; Vice-President J. O’Connor: Chairman, T. O’Kelly ; Vice-Chairman T. Aspell: Secretary Martin de Burca, M. O Siothcain.

Committee: Misses Coogan, B. Kett, A. Keily, Mrs. Moran, Messrs. J. Barnes, J. Reid, C.P. O’Brien, D. Phelan, G. Higgins, J. Conway.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758