Leinster Leader 6 June 1895

Excursion from the Soldiers’ Home, Curragh Camp

The annual picnic from the Soldiers’ Home, Curragh Camp, took place on Monday last.  The weather was ideal and the location as near perfection as possible.  The lovely demesne of Harristown, through the kindness of Mr. La Touche, was thrown open to the excursionists, who selected a spot on the Liffey bank well known for its beauty and suitableness.  With this splendid position as head quarters a most enjoyable day was spent.  Some indulged in games – Tennis, cricket, swings &c, &c, were provided.  Others passes the time in admiring nature as presented all round in such exquisite beauty by making tours throughout the place.  Some few seemed to only enjoy each others company, being totally oblivious to anything outside or around, but on all such happy occasions there characters are to be found.  We do not mean to write slightingly of them in the least.  Why should they not have their pleasures?  We require manifold ways of enjoyment so as to incline all, and we think on Monday last the Rev. Mr. Moran’s party was as well catered for in this way as could possibly be.  The “Commissariat” was also a complete success.  A splendid lunch and later on an enjoyable tea was provided.  We should be astonished to find it otherwise with such an experienced general at its head as Mr. Moran.  One regret, which many times during the day was expressed, was that it was to be Mr. Moran’s last excursion from the Curragh.  For many years Mr. and Mr. Moran have been prominent figures upon the Camp in connection with the Methodist Church and the Soldiers’ Home.  In fact, the Soldiers’ Home might be termed a creation of Mr. Moran’s.  He has been most indefatigable in raising funds for its erection, and unceasing in his exertions to make the Home attractive, and to benefit in every way those, who by its means came into contact with him.  The severing of his connection with it will be greatly felt by Mrs. Moran and him.  They were very much beloved and took a great interest in the work and were much blessed in it.  On Monday last, Mrs. Bere, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Keatley, Miss Wall, Miss Dods, Lieutenant Bere, Mr. Keatley, Mr. Twist, and a number of others were willing helpers in assisting Mr. and Mrs. Moran, so with such a staff nothing but a successful and enjoyable outing could result.  Everyone seemed perfectly satisfied and the look of “enough,” which was upon every face on the way home, was something to remember.  Before leaving, on the motion of Lieut. Bere, the hearty thanks of the party was tendered to Mr. La Touche for his great kindness on this as on many other occasions.  A special word of praise is due to Corporal Saunders.  None was busier than he in looking after the comforts of all while at Harristown as well as on the way there and home.  We are sure Mr. and Mrs. Moran will long think of this their last excursion, and will have pleasant memories of what should have been the most successful of the many similar outings which it was their privilege, and we are sure their pleasure to organise while stationed on the Curragh.

Re-typed by Jennifer O’Connor

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758