50 YEARS AGO

Horse fair in Castledermot

“A custom dating beyond living memory was broken in Castledermot on Monday, when the national schools were opened during the horse fair in the town,” The Leinster Leader reported on 30 May 1964.

The closing of the schools had been introduced in the last century because of the risk to schoolchildren of injury by horses which in those days could be counted in hundreds at every fair in Castledermot.

In recent years the number of horses at that fair has been dwindling until it has become very small.

At Monday’s fair there were only five animals. A working horse fetched £5, a fat horse for slaughter £40, and a pony £50. The principal buyer was Mr. Bill Cash, Athy.

A prominent Castledermot resident, commenting on the small fair, said “Horses in this area are becoming rare. I doubt if in the whole district today there are a dozen horses.”

Meanwhile, the same page reported that the local band was kept busy. Narraghmore Pipe Band travels to Ballyclare, Co. Antrim, on Saturday to compete in the Ulster Championships.

Last year the band won the Ulster Novice Championship and must compete in the junior grade, as a result. On Sunday the band will play in Newry on the invitation of Pipe Major Andrew Fitzpatrick of Newry Pipe Band.

On Saturday, July 2, the band will compete at Balmoral, Belfast, and other important dates are July 4 when they take part in the All Ireland Championships in Dublin, also August 22 when they head for Rothersay in Scotland, and August 29 when they take part in the Highland Games and Cowal Championships at Dunnon, Scotland.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758