The Kildare Observer November 9, 1895


A Social Meeting was held at Newbridge, in connection with the above Church, on Wednesday evening last. The Committee, consisting of Rev William Elliott, Messrs Boyle, Llewellyn, Gibson (Newbridge), Dunlop, Keatley, and Gibson (Naas), left nothing undone in their efforts to have a thoroughly good programme, and the result must have been very pleasing to them. The good things, which were supplied by the individual members of the committee, consisted of tea and cake and an abundant supply of fruit. The idea of the promoters was to make everyone as much at home as possible. and certainly they succeeded beyond anticipation. After tea, Rev. W Elliott, M.A., took the chair, and addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience, when he called on Rev J.A Campbell, M.A., Sandymount, Moderator of the Dublin Presbytery. Mr Campbell congratulated the Newbridge people on the result of their endeavours in establishing the Church, and also on the success of the meeting. He brought them, he said, the hearty good wishes of the Dublin Presbytery, and wound up by a reference to the idea which Rev Mr Elliott had initiated, and which he was trying to work out, viz., that of utilizing the service of students. He (Mr Campbell) hoped that it was the beginning of a movement which would be more largely taken advantage of, as it would tend, he had no doubt, to the benefit of the Church at large. The remaining part of the programme consisted of music (vocal and instrumental) and recitations, in which the following took part – Mrs Elliot, songs, Miss Gibson, song; Rev WL Coade, BA, song; Miss Boyle, song; Miss McCaughty, pianoforte piece; Mr McCaughey, songs; Mrs Dunlop, song; Mrs Boyle, recitations; Miss Nellie Morrisson, song; Rev JT Bird, MA, pianoforte piece; and Master G M Elliott, recitation. Needless to say, the different performers rendered their items in a pleasing and thoroughly enjoyable manner, and the reception each was accorded and the appreciation showed by the entire audience of the efforts made to add to their enjoyment of the evening, proved that not only were the majority already great favourites, but that they had on this occasion still further raised themselves in the estimation of their bearers and endeared themselves to them. The Church was tastefully decorated, the result we are sure, of the ungrudgingly bestowed services of the fairer sex. The work reflected much credit upon the individuals concerned. It had very little of the look of the “’prentice hand” upon it. A number of plants, kindly lent by Mr Llewellyn, added greatly to the general effect, being placed upon the tables and about the room in such a way as to give you the idea that you were stepping into a miniature tea garden. Mrs Elliott, Mrs Boyle, Miss Dods, Miss McCaughey, and Miss Boyle, presided at the tea tables, while Messrs Boyle, Dunlop, McCaughey, Keatley, and Gibson acted as stewards.
The Chairman said he considered the usual votes of thanks as quite unnecessary, as everyone did all possible to make the meeting a success, and any services rendered were given heartily. However, he thought that the meeting should be greatly obliged to Revs Mr Campbell, Mr Bird, and Mr Coade, who were not connected with the congregation and who came there no doubt at inconvenience to place their services at the disposal of the committee. Mr Cockburn being called on to say a few words, expressed the pleasure he had in being present and his appreciation of the efforts made by Mr Elliot to supply Newbridge with a service upon Sabbaths, from which he (Mr Cockburn) had derived so much benefit. He regretted more did not take advantage of those services, it would be so encouraging not only to the preacher but to the parties attending. He was pleased to be connected which had been so successful as Newbridge had. He told of a church in Scotland with which he was connected twelve years ago, which had only then a few members meeting in a much smaller room than the Iron Church. Now they were some hundreds strong, had a church which cost £2,000, and were after opening a meeting room costing £800, and all free of debt. No reason, he said, why Newbridge should not succeed in a similar way.
Mr Gibson having been referred to by the chairman as the individual who had taken the “lion’s share” in the work of decoration and arrangement of the hall, thought it his duty to remove the impression that statement might have on the audience. He believed giving honour where honour was due. Although he might have had a large part of the manual labour, the ideas were all supplied by the ladies and he took his directions from them. He was, as it were, the tool by means of which the ladies got their plans executed. He said Mrs Boyle ,Miss Boyle, Miss Dods and Mr Boyle where the parties to be thanked, but he had no doubt their services, as well as any he had rendered, were given freely and without any idea of any complement in the undertaking gave them reward enough for any slight assistance they might have accorded it.
The meeting was closed by all joining in singing the Doxology, and the pronouncing of the benediction by the REV JT Bird, MA, Chaplain to the Forces.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758