Jigginstown House, summer of ’67

In July 1967, Co. Kildare Archaeological Society sponsored a work camp from the Union of Students of Ireland to remove undergrowth from Jigginstown House. Kildare County Archives and Local Studies holds a collection of thirty-nine photographs of the project courtesy of the Irish Tourist Board.
Twenty-nine students from ten countries, under the leadership of Michael Adams, were engaged in the project. Financial assistance was given by Bord Failte and the Eastern Regional Tourist Organisation Ltd., and the Board of Work provided supervision. Local cultural and sporting societies entertained the students, and the people of Naas and district helped with material gifts. Accommodation was provided for the students in the Naas Vocational School.
Some of the students pictured in Jigginstown. Among those standing: A. Schmidt (Sweden), J. Ivers (USA), F. Colly, D. De Merle, G. Lepere and D. Bertrand (France), P. Kraemer (Czechoslovakia), V. Meussen, R. Rueb, J. and M. Wirton (Holland) R. Le Clerc and M. Adams, Leader (Ireland), J. Puiggros (Spain).
Among those sitting: D. Thorne (Britain), J. Wallace and B. Trevor (N. Ireland), M. Vilarrubia (Spain), A. Enklaar and H. Beets (Holland), H. Horne and M. Schmidt (Germany), K. Linden (Sweden), V. Le Clerc, Asst Leader, and M. Martin (Ireland), C. Faury (France), K. Broe (Denmark).