KILCULLEN: 1906 Fire at Knockbounce

Kildare Observer 10/11/1906
About 9 o’clock on Saturday morning a fire was noticed to have broken out in a rick of hay on the farm premises of Mr Richard Conlon, of Knockbounce, near Kilcullen. On the alarm being raised, assistance was soon at hand. It being market day in Kilcullen, a number of people were on their way to the town, and stopped to render aid. Acting-Sergeant Doran and all the available police force were quickly on the scene. All worked with a will, and were successful in getting the fire under control in a very short time, a bench having been cut and the water kept pouring in, only about a ton of hay having been damaged by the fire and water. It was most providential that there was no wind blowing at the time, for if there had, nothing could have saved the whole rick, containing about 25 tons, and also the dwelling house close by would have been reduced to ashes. Great credit is due to the police, under Acting Sergeant Doran, also to Mr McClean, C.P.S., and all neighbours for the valuable assistance rendered by them in getting the fire under so quickly with such poor supply of water. It is a mystery as to how the fire originate, but is strongly suspected to be the work of tramps, who may have been sleeping in the hay, and through carelessness in lighting their pipes set the hay on fire. It was only a few mornings ago that Mr Conlon aroused one of these "Knights of the Road" who have become such a nuisance, from his slumbers in the same rick.

A newspaper article from The Kildare Observer regarding a fire at the farm of  Richard Conlon in November 1906.

[compiled and edited by Mario Corrigan; edited and typed by Niamh McCabe]

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758