Kildare Observer December 13, 1913


Naas Hostel Closed
Owing to the General Unrest

To the Editor, “Kildare Observer”

Dear Sir,-May I trespass on your space and inform those friends who so kindly helped by giving me money and goods to start the Hostel for girl workers at the Carpet Factory that I have closed it. Owing to the general unrest and the difficulties that must ensue to all industries in Ireland, the directors of the Carpet Factory have decided that at present they cannot employ a greater number of hands than are available from Naas. I trust that times may improve, and that the Hostel may be re-opened under better circumstances in the future.-

Yours truly,
Geraldine Mayo.
Palmerstown Straffan,
December 9th 1913.

A letter from Lady Mayo to the Kildare Observer on the closure of the hostel for female workers at Naas Carpet Factory. Typed by John O’Byrne

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758