Maynooth and Kilcock



Maynooth is a small market town, in the parish of Laraghbryan, barony of North Salt,
county of
Kildare , 15 miles W. from Dublin and 14 N. by E. from Naas; situated on the northern bank of the
Royal Canal . It is celebrated for its college, founded in 1795, by the Irish Parliament, and towards the support of which the Duke of Leinster gave a house and fifty-four acres of land, on a lease of lives renewable for ever, at the annual rent of £72. The college was opened in October, 1795, for the reception of fifty students: the number soon increased to two hundred, and, having received considerable additions, it is now capable of accommodating five hundred students. The college is principally supported by parliamentary grants, which, for the first twenty-one years, averaged about £8,000.per annum, and subsequently £9,000. This being deemed inadequate for the comfortable support of its professors, teachers, and free scholars, government, in June 1845, increased this grant to £26,000. There are besides several donations and bequests from private individuals, among whom the late Lord Dunboyne and Mr. Keeman, who bequeathed £1,000.for the foundation of a professorship of the Irish language. The number of free students is two hundred and fifty, who are admissible at the age of seventeen. This noble establishment, designated the Royal College of Saint Patrick, is under the superintendence of seven visiters and a board of seventeen trustees, a president, vice-president, dean, junior dean, and a bursar. The students wear gowns and caps, as well without as within college. The buildings form three sides of a quadrangle, comprising various lecture rooms, a refectory, a library, and a chapel, with apartments for the president, the master, and professors. Near the college are the ruins of an ancient castle, formerly the residence of the noble family of
Leinster , which was destroyed by the forces under Cromwell.

The town consists of one long street, at the extremity of which is the entrance leading to Carton, the magnificent seat of the Duke of Leinster. The mansion, situated about a mile from the town, is a spacious and magnificent structure, consisting of a centre, with a handsome portico. The park is very extensive, and delightfully laid out: in one part of it is a stately pillar, and in another a tower, from which a fine view is obtained of the surrounding country, which is very beautiful, and in a high state of cultivation. In a neat modern court-house quarter and petty sessions are held-the latter every fortnight. Th parish church is an ancient structure, supposed to have been originally built by Gerald, Earl of Kildare, as an appendage to a college founded in 1516. The church was thoroughly repaired and modernized in 1744, by the late Duke of Leinster: the massive square tower of the ancient church still retains its original character. The Roman Catholic chapel is a handsome and spacious building. In a fine national school, erected by the munificence of the Duke of Leinster, a considerable number of children are educated, and others, of the female sex, are instructed by the lady-members of the Presentation convent. The charter, or patent for holding the market, is still in force, but is not made available. Population of the parish of Laraghbryan, in 1841, 2,714, and of Maynooth town 2,129 of that number.



Kilcock is a small town (or village) and parish, in the barony of Ikeathy, same county as Maynooth, about four miles W. by N. from that town, pleasantly situated on the banks of the Royal Canal, by which passage boats go to and from Dublin several times in the day; and to this circumstance, and its otherwise thoroughfare situation, its little trade depends, for it has no manufactures of any kind, and a considerable brewery and the inns are the principal business establishments. The place suffered much in the rebellion of 1798; part of it was destroyed, and the residence of Colonel Aylmer was burnt to the ground. A Roman Catholic chapel and a national school are the public establishments. Races, which commence on the 18th August, and continue a week, are well attended. Population of the parish, in 1841, 2,184, and of the town 1,537 of that number.





POST OFFICE, MAYNOOTH, John Mc Clean, Post Master. – Letters from all parts arrive every night at half-past nine, and are despatched every morning at twenty minutes past three.





POST OFFICE, KILCOCK, Eliza Allen, Post Mistress. – Letters from all parts arrive every night at ten, and are despatched every morning at three.








And their Ministers,



ESTABLISHED CHURCH, Maynooth- Rev. George Blacker, rector; Rev. Charles Tottenham Reade, curate.



ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL, Maynooth- Rev. John Cainan, parish priest; Rev. James Whittle, curate.



ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL, Kilcock- Rev. William Tracey, parish priest; Rev. Thomas Geoghegan, curate.








Through Maynooth and Kilcock, calling at the Coach Office, Maynooth.



To DUBLIN, the Royal Mail (from
Galway ), every morning at three- a Coach every afternoon at five- and a Car every afternoon at two; all go through Leixlip and Lucan.

To ATHLONE, by the Mail & Coach, to Ballinasloe.



To BALLINASLOE, the Royal Mail (from
Dublin ), every night at ten- & a
Coach, every morning at half-past eight; both go through Moate and Athlone.



To BOYLE, a Coach (from Dublin), every morning at nine; goes through
Enfield , Kinnegan, Mullingar and Longford.



To GALWAY, the Royal Mail (from Dublin), every night at ten; goes through
Enfield , Kinnegad, Moate, Athlone and Ballinasloe.



To LONGFORD, by the BOYLE Coach.



To MULLINGAR, a Coach, every morning at nine-and a Car, every afternoon at two; both go through
Enfield and Kinnegad





Description of Maynooth and Kilcock in 1846 from Slater’s Trade Directory.

[compiled and edited by Mario Corrigan and Niamh McCabe]

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758