Maynooth paid its tribute to men of 1916

Leinster Leader 7 May 1966     

With impressive ceremonies, a parade, commemoration lunch and concert, residents of Maynooth and the surrounding areas honoured the 1916 heroes.  A special place of honour was reserved for the five survivors of the march to Dublin during Easter Week, 1916.

The parade to a special Mass in St. Mary’s Parish Church which was celebrated in Irish by Very Rev. W. O’Riordan, P.P., assisted by Rv. J. Duff, C.C., was expertly planned.  The large group of onlookers and general public applauded loudly as each unit stepped out at the order of Martin Prendergast, the Parade Marshall.

A Colour Party from the local F.C.A. unit headed the parade and was followed by Maynooth Brass and Reed Band.  Next in line were the five survivors, escorted by an F.C.A. party, Old I.R.A., Girl Guides, I.C.A., O.N.E., Narraghmore Pipe Band, G.A.A., Red Cross, Civil Defence, Geraldine Boys Club, General Public and the Fire Brigade. An F.C.A. party rendered honours at the Consecration.

Afterwards the units marched to Geraldine Castle at St. Patrick’s College.  Wreaths were laid at a specially erected platform in remembrance of Domnall Ua Buachalla, Patrick Colgan, Patrick Kirwan, Matthew Maguire.  On the platform during the reading of the Proclamation by Mr. Gerard Coogan, Chairman of the 1916 Commemoration Committee, were Rt. Rev. Mons. G. Mitchell, President St. Patrick’s College; Very Rev. W. O’Riordan, P.P., Maynooth; Rev. J. Duff, C.C., Michael Dillon, Corbally, Celbridge, nephew of Joseph Plunkett, one of the signatories of the Proclamation; Mrs. B. O’Grady, daughter of the late Patrick Kirwan; Mrs. L. Keely, widow of the late L. Keely, Old I.R.A.; Larry Maguire, son of the late Matthew Maguire; P. J. Weafer, Timothy Tyrell, Jack Maguire, Michael Cummins, Killeaney, Maynooth; Joseph P. Buckley, son of the late Domnall Ua Buachalla, and Patrick Nolan, Secretary of the Commemoration Committee.

The ceremonies concluded with a concert in the Parish Hall.  Guests of honour were the surviving marchers and they were greeted with fanfare salute by the Brass and Reed Band.  Over 500 enjoyed the excellent show under the M.C., Mr. Patrick Nolan.

Afterwards Mr. Coogan, Chairman of the Committee, thanked each organisation and the public for co-operation.  He had a special word of thanks for Mrs. Patrick Farrell and Mrs. Henry Flood, producers of the concert, and the wonderful cast of the show.

James Durney
James Durney

James Durney is an award-winning author of over twenty books on national and local history. He was Historian-in-Residence for Co. Kildare Decade of Commemorations Committee from 2015-2017 and works in the Kildare County Archives & Local Studies.

Articles: 38