Leinster Leader 16 September 1939


Mr. Bernand Bracken, Cork

            A deep shock was caused in Naas by the announcement of the death of Mr. Bernard Bracken in Cork on Thursday morning.  Deceased, who was the son of Joseph and Mrs. Marcella Bracken, Abbey Bridge, Naas, was a strong, healthy young man, but developing pleurisy from a slight cold, he passed away despite the best medical attention.  The late Mr. Bracken was a staunch Nationalist all his life, and early in the Anglo-Irish struggle for Independence, was a prominent member of Fianna Eireann, and was in close touch with all the leading Nationalists of the day.  He joined the prison service in 1930, and was stationed in Dublin and Maryborough before going to Cork, where he was only a short time before contracting his fatal illness.  He leaves behind him a widow Mrs. Kathleen Bracken, and three young children, Niall, Marcella and Michael.  The deepest sympathy will be extended to these and to the other relatives by his numerous friends and particularly those in Naas, with whom he was most popular and highly esteemed.

The remains were removed from the South Infirmary, Cork, on Friday evening to the Church of Our Lady and St. Davids, Naas, and the funeral took place to St. Corban’s Cemetery on Saturday, there being a large and representative cortege of mourners and sympathies present.  Very Rev. P. J. Doyle, P.P., officiated, assisted by Rev. Father Phelan, C.C.  Amongst the chief mourners was Mr. Jos. Bracken, brother of the deceased.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758