Naas orphans emigration to Australia 1849

Fran Campbell

Extracts from the Board of Guardians Minute Books of Naas Poor Law Union, 11 October 1848 – 01 August 1849, regarding the emigration of fifteen un-named female orphans from Naas Work-house to Australia.

The first mention of the girls is during the ‘STATE of the WORKHOUSE’ meeting dated on Saturday, the 9th day of June 1849, and there are a few subsequent mentions. The following extracts are transcribed verbatim as documented in the minute book which will hopefully explain any grammatical errors! The italicised entries are part of the pre-printed subheadings that are found as standard in the minute book. Unfortunately the names of the girls haven’t been recorded in these entries and they are only referred to as the ‘Outfit’.

The following Letters from the Poor Law Commissioners and others were read by the Clerk, and directions given to answer them respectively, to the following effect/or, Orders made on them respectively, as follows:

No 36552/49. 7th June 1849, from P.L. Commissioners Stating that Lieut. Henry R.L. Government Emigration Officio. is about to proceed to the Naas Workhouse for the inspection and final selection of 14 Female Orphans who are proposed for emigration to Australia, and requesting the Board to give the necessary directions for providing the necessary Outfit.

STATE of the WORKHOUSE for the Week ending, Saturday the 23rd day of June 1849.

The Repost of the Visiting Committee was read, and Orders were made thereon as follows:

Michl Kenellys proposal to furnish 15 Boxes of the dimensions required for the Female Orphans emigrating to Australia at four Shillings each, was accepted by the Board.

STATE of the WORKHOUSE, for the Week ending Saturday, the 7 day of July 1849.

The Repost of the Visiting Committee was read, and Orders were made thereon as follows:

The clerk made application to the Board for leave of absence for ten or Twelve days in consequence of ill health which was granted accompanied with the unanimous request of the Board that he would if it were not to interfere with his own arrangements accompany the Australian Emigrants to Plymouth on the 18 Inst. George Wolfe Esq’s having undertaken with the assistance of the Master12 to discharge his duty in his absence.

The following Letters from the Poor Law CommiSsioners and others were read by the Clerk, and directions given to answer them respectively to the following effect,/or, Orders made on them respectively as follows

No 43024/49 6 July 49 from P L CommiSsns adverting to their letter of the 7 Instd relating to the female orphans proposed as emigrants to Australia with general Instructions as to the Outfit and character required for the parties about being sent out

No 43147/49 7 July 49 from P Law CommiSsns consenting to the emigration of paupers from the Workhouse and expressing their sanction to the proposed allowance to these parties

STATE of the WORKHOUSE for the Week ending Saturday, the 28th day of July 1849

Debit Workhouse Invoice Account, and Credit Treasurer, with the several sums as above.

Emigration 172 To British & Irishtown Co. for passage of 15 Female £ s. d. 66 emigrants to Plymouth 13/6 ea | 10 | 2 | 6 | 173 To Willm Brophy for clothing for Canadian emigrants 296.13.6| | | 66 do for do for Australian do 44.18.6| 341 | 12 |

The Reposts of the Master and other Officers were read, and Orders made thereon, as follows:

The Clerk agreeably with the request of the Board of Guardians, of the 11th of July, Accompanied the Australian emigrants to Plymouth, reports that he left them at the emigration depot, on Friday the 20th Ulto where every arrangement necessary for their comfort and convenience had been made.

From that entry, at least it is suggested that the girls were ensured a safe and comfortable voyage, unfortunately however, any subsequent mention of the orphans is recorded only in terms of expenses incurred as a result of the emigration.

Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758