Naas Roll of Honour


(Special to “Kildare Observer”)

Below we give the Naas Roll of Honour, being a return, so far as a available, of men either natives or residents of the town who have joined the colours since the outbreak of war. The list has been prepared in connection with the proposal to issue certificates of Honour to the relatives of our soldiers who have come forward to assist in the defence of country and of Empire. It is necessarily incomplete by reason of the difficulty in procuring particulars. Should omissions be noticed in the light – as doubtless they will be – and readers will forward us names, particulars of men whose names do not appear in the list, we shall be happy to make the necessary amendments and forward same to the Controller of Recruiting of so that certificates may be issued.


Brown, Lieut. J. Barry, Connaught Rangers; Barnett, Alex, R.D.F; Bolger, John, do.; Brown, J., Irish Guards (killed); Butler, George J., R.D.F.; Boyne, John do; Bourke, John J., R.D.F.; Byrne, Thomas, R.F.A.; Brien, Patrick, R.D.F.; Boyle, James V., H.L.I., Boyle, Joseph, Conn.Rangers: Bermingham, Patk., do.; Berney, J., S.I. Horse; Brennan, J., R.F.A.; Byrne, Patrick, R.D.F.; Thos, do.


Carter Sec.-Lieut. R. W., R.D.F.(wounded); Clare, George, do.; Casson, R.,do.; Curley, Michael, A.S.C.; Caveney, James, R.D.F., Courtney, Thomas, do.: Coughlan, Patk., A.S.C., Courtney, A.T.,  R.D.F., Coady, James, do., Cosgrove, Patrick, do., Corcoran, Michael, R.F.A.; Curran, Stephen, R.D.F;  Clements W. J., do., Clery, W. J., do., Connolly, C.,C.; A.C.C; Coady, M., R.D.F.


Doyle, John, R.D.F.; Dunne, Jas., do.; Doyle, Thomas, do.; Daly, Thomas so.; Donohoe, Murtha, do. (prisoner); Desmond, D., R.D.F.; Doran , J., do (prisoner); Daly, J, C.R.; Dwen, E., R.D.F., Dowd, John, do.; Dignam, Michael, do; Daly, Patrick, do.;  Dunne, Edward, do.; Dennison, Michl., do.: Doyle, Richard, do.


Egan, J.C., R.D.F.; Eacret, Richard, do.


Fitzpatrick, J. J., R.D.F.; Foley, Geo., do.; Fennell, W., Do.; Fox, James, R.I.F.; Foley, Peter, Irish Guards; Farrell, Thos., A.O.C.; Farrell, Andrew, Conn Rangers; Fennessy, Patrick. R.D.F.; Fleming, J., S.I. Horse; Fennessy, John, R.D.F.; Farnan, W., A.C.C.


Guilfoyle, Martin, R.D.F.; Gray, Patk., do.; Gray, Edward, do.; Gray, John. do.; Gray, Patk., do.; Gordon, John do.; Grant, D., A.S.C.; Gleeson, Patk., Irish Guards;  Granger, Maurice, do. (killed); Granger Myles, do.; Gogarthy, Michael, Flying Corps; Gordon, James, R.I. Regt.; Griffin, Richard, 4th Hussars.


Hughes, Martin, R.D.F.; Hayes, Jas., do.; Hayes, Jas., A.G.S.; Hartigan, R., A.S.C.; Hornidge, Wm., R.F.; Hooks, Jas, A.S.C.; Harrington, Michael, Irish, Gds.; Hickey, Patrick, R.D.F.; Hanlon, Denis, do.; Harris, Samuel, do.; Hughes, Joseph, S.I. Horse; Hughes, Patrick, R.D.F.; Hickey, W., A.C.C.; Hickey, John, R.D.F.


Johnson Albert E., R.D.F.; Johnson, Thomas, R.D.F ; Johnston, Myles, R.M.F.; Johnston, Philip, Scots Guards.


Knox, Sec.-Lieut., Con. Rangers; Kelly, Patrick, R.D.F.; Kehoe, Thos., do.; Kelly, Laurence, do.; Kelly, C., Con. Rangers; Kelly, John, A.S.C.; Kerrigan, Thomas, R.F.; Kelly, Lee, R.D.F.; Kavanagh, John, do.; Kelly, Lee., do.; Kelly Chris., do.; Kerry, Frederick, do.; Kelly, John, A.S.C.; Kavanagh, E., R.D.F.; Kelly, John, R.I. Rifles.


Lagrue, Peter, R.D.F.; Loughlin, John do.; Leeson, James, do,; Loughran, John, do.; Lennon, Wm. do.; Leonard, Patk, do.; Lee, James, R.F.; Lennon, William, 1st South Wales Borderers; Lennon, P., R.D.F.; Loughran, Michael, do.; Lynch, W., S.I. Horse; Leeson, Patk., R.D.F; Lockman, P., A.C.C.; Lacy, Joesph, R.M.L.I


Morrin, Thos., R.D.F.; Mahon, Thos., do.; Martin, John, do.; Mahon, Chris., do.; Morrison, Mathew, Leinsters; Martin, Thos., R.D.F.; Morrison, Samuel, do.; Mooney, R., do.; Masterson, P., do.; Marsh, John, R.D.F.; Morrin, Matthew, R.D.F.; Martin, John, A.O.C.; Maguire, Thomas, R.D.F.; Masterson, W. M., Black Watch (killed); McHolmes, James, R.D.F.; McGarr, Michael, do.; M’Grath, James, do.; Mooney, M., do.; M’Garr, John, do.


Newell, James, A.S.C.; Nolan, Samuel R.E.; Nolan, Patk., R.D.F.


O’Brien, J., R.D.F.; O’Brien, William, S.I. Horse.


Pearse, Thos., R.D.F.; Plant, Patrick, A.S.C.; Purcell, John J., R.D.F.


Quinn, Patk., R.D.F.; Quinn, John, do.; Quinn, Thomas, do.; Quaile, T., do.; Quaile, T., do., Quinn, Thos., Irish Gds.; Quinn, Thomas, R.M.F.: Quinn, Thomas, Scots Guards.


Rourke, John, R.D.F.; Ross, Wm., do.; Rogers, Patrick do.; Robinson, N., do.; Ring, Chris., do.; Rogers, John, do.; Reilly, Wm., do.; Robinson, James, do.; (wounded); Rafferty, Joseph, A.C.C., Rochford, John, R.D.F.; Ryan, Thos, F., do.; Rogers, James, do.


Smith, Captain R. J., Lancashire Fus.; Scully, D., Durham L.I.; Shea, William, R.D.F.; Shea, Patrick, do,; Semmence, A. A., do.; Semmence, Ronald A., do., (wounded); Sargent,  Mervyn, V., R.A.M.C.; Shea. P., Con. Rangers; Sheridan, Patk., R.D.F.; Sargent, E., R.D.F.; Shiels, M., R.D.F., Sargent, A., do.; Stockton, F., do.


Tracy, Lieut. Cantrell, A.V.C.; Toole, Michael, R.D.F.; Treacy, Patrick, R.G.A.; Treacy, Chris., R.D.F.; Treacy, James, do.; Treacy, Thomas, do.


Whitehead, Charles V., R.E.; Wilson, Henry, R.F.A. ; Waldron, John, Cheshire Regt.; Walton, Albert, R.F.C,: Walsh, Thomas, R.D.F.; Walsh, Stephen, do.; Waldron, Thomas, do.


Naas Roll of Honour

In addition to the list of 197 Naas men whose names appeared in our last issue as having joined the colours since the out-break of war, we have received the following, which were omitted, and have forwarded them to the controller of Recruiting for the county:

B – Baldry, F., R.D.F.; Butler, James, Machine Gun Corps; Bermingham, Joseph, R.D.F.,(killed); Byrne, Laurence, East Lanes.; Byrne, Thomas, A.S.C.: Boyhan, 2nd-Lieut. T.F., R.I.R.; Brooks, J., R.F.A.; Burke, James, R.D.F.; Bermingham,

C – Chanler, John, Canadians.

H – Hale.- Royal Flying Corps; Hanlon. Denis, R.D.F.; Harris, Samuel, do.; Harrington, T., Irish Guards; Hickey, Patrick, do.

K – Kelly, Martin, Conn. Rangers; Kearney, Patrick, R.D.F.

L – Legge, Thomas, R.H.A,; Lennon, John, R.D.F. (wounded).

M – Meredith, F.C., Driscoll’s Scouts; Marsh, T., R.F.A.; M’Dermott, R., Inniskilling Fusiliers; Morrin, Jas., R.A.M.C.

N – Noone, Edward, Irish Guards; Nolan, P., R.D.F.

R – Roger, John, Irish Guards; Reilly, Christopher, R.D.F. (dead).

S – Smith, George, A.S.C.

T – Turpin, Sec.-Lieut. H., R.I. Rifles; Treacy, Thomas, R.D.F.; Treacy, Thomas, 5th Lancers.

W – Walsh, T., R.D.F.; Wheeler, J., R.I. Rifles.


Re-typed by Lynn Potts


Kildare Local Studies
Kildare Local Studies
Articles: 1758